Comparing universities
Shalom Babynow: I comand you for comparing academic institutions. Everyone should do it to arrive to a good decision. First, usually I compare the Michlala with high quality academic institutions. A survey conducted about a year ago, among students from all academic institutions found that the best business schools are Tel-Aviv univ. and the Michlala Le'minhal. Second, you mentioned beaurcracy: A survey by Yediot Haharonot about couple of months ago found that the Michlala gives the best service !! Third, while in terms of content of studies the Michlala is at least as others, it is much above others with its orientation to the applicability of the studies. (I will be more specific below). Fourth, one should compare the specific programs with others' specific programs, such as our Human resource Consulting MBA, Psychology in Business MBA, HIgh-Tech MBA and International Business MBA. Finally, as an example,I will be specific for the International Business MBA. It is unique in comparison to other universities MBAs in at lease most important issues: 1. Content - the only one that offer international content from the first day in class and through the intire studies 2. Students background in class- most of the students are unique in one or more of the following: --high performance in undergraduate degree (50% are with outstanding certificate or graduate degree) -- strong background in international experience or studies -- high managerial positions. -- strong Curriculum Vitae -- Very good letters of recommendations and from top executives such as Beni Gaon, Prof. Izi Borovich, Avigdor Kaplan, Gil Schwaid, etc. 3. Applicabiilty and building of personal network. Some recent examples, last week-- 5 CEOs (Mancalim) and 5 students had a breakfast (as part of a many other meetings) and the students asked the CEOs all kind of questions such as : what should I know when you interview me? and, how do you make decisions? To avoid any misunderstanding among the CEOs were the CEOs of Netafim (one of Israel's largest international companies), Shilav, etc. Another example, this week 5 students had a meeting with the CEO of a public company that operate in international markets around the globe for a consulting project that the students perform for this company !! (under the guidance of faculty members) Finally, the program is oriented to working students. It takes place Thursday afternoon and evening and Friday morning for three semesters. For more detail please contact 03-9634430 or come to a meeting with the head of the International MBA on coming Wednesday, July 14, 18:00 Good Luck, Dr. Yaakov Weber Head of the International MBA