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למי שיש YES ../images/Emo70.gif

מהר ערוץ 12! אלייז'ה תיכף בקונאן או'בריאן


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כן, אתמול הוא היה בלנו

השדורים החוזרים של קונאן ייערכו לכל יום המחרת. ובקרוב, אלייז'ה בTRL. *מזעזע, אבל משעשע באותה המידה*


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חח איזה מצחיק אלייז'ה...

"אחרי 4 או 5 פרסים, הסתכלנו כולנו, כל ארבעת ההוביטים שישבנו אחד ליד השני, אחד על השני, ואיאן הסתובב, וכולנו קלטנו שהפכנו לאויב. ובטח קלינט איסטווד חשב לעצמו 'אני אהרוג לעצמי הוביט'"


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קונאן מחקה את איסטווד, א: "תעשה אותו שוב, זה הקול הנפלא ביותר אי פעם!" ועל כך נאמר, WTF ?! אלוהים ישמור. אבל היה מצחיק.


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אין לי מושג מה עובר על חשבוני בתפוז

אבל התצלחתי לשוב לעצמי והכל נפלא. או שאולי היה זה פיצול אישיות מעורר חרדה ?!


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חח כן!

ואז קונאן כזה אומר "ואת זה הרגע אמר מישהו שהסרט שלו זכה ב11 אוסקרים, שהקול הזה זה הדבר הנפלא ביותר אי פעם" חח היה ממש משעשע, בלנו אלייז'ה לא היה כזה מצחיק חח... חוץ מהסיפור על מה שהם עשו במזרקה בניו זילנד, שזה מלנו מהפעם הקודמת חח


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../images/Emo80.gifיותר אהבתי את הראיון

אצל ג'יי לנו.. גם העינטוזים בהתחלה משעשעים ביותר!


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../images/Emo80.gifshake it frodo, shake it../images/Emo70.gif

חי חי חי...

Sandy B

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../images/Emo93.gif רק אני שמתי לב..

ששתי הראיונות היו פחות אותו דבר?? ושאפילו הראו בדיוק את אותו הקטע מהסרט החדש שלו?.. גאד.. עם הוא היה מספר את הסיפור עם הפורנו והשוקולד גם בקונאן הייתי מתפחלצת... והכי מוזר זה שבארה"ב שתי התוכניות משודרות אחת אחרי השניה, והראיון עם אלייז'ה שודר בהפרש של יומיים! אבל חוץ מזה- איזה חמוד הוא!!


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../images/Emo80.gifאהם.. אנא קראי זאת

הסיפור עם הפורנו והשוקולד אכן סופר בקונאן אובריין רק שאלייז'ה סיפר אותו בפעם הקודמת שהוא היה שם, אצל ג'יי לנו הם טיפלה באו באיחור. כן, הוא אכן חזר על עצמו עם הקטע של המסיבה של הצעריצים וכמה שהבנות היו סקסיות לעומת המעריצות של סטאר-טראק וכל הסיפור. ובקשר לקטע מתוך הסרט (אור השמש הנצחי של המוח ללא רבב ?!?!?!?) המפיקים של הסרט או חברת ההפקה קובעת איזה חלקים מהסרט ישודרו כ"פרומו" בטלויזיה, כל שחקן עם קטע משלו או משהו בסגנון.


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נ"שנ"ש.... משעשע ../images/Emo70.gif

כמו שכבר בוודאי חלקכם שמעתם, בDVD המורחב של 'שיבת המלך', פיטר הודיע שתהיה הבדיחה המשעשעת שדומיניק עשה לאלייז'ה בבכורה בגרמניה. הסיפור המלא (פיטר סיפר במסיבה של TORn): - סורי שזה באנגלית, אבל משעשע למדי
אני מתה כבר לראות את זה
Oscar Winner, Peter Jackson (to the fans): There's a complicated story... you'll have to listen to this. It's just something that we are going to put on the DVD in November for the extended Return of the King. There's this really funny thing that involved these two guys [points at:] Elijah and Dom. We were in Berlin doing our junket before the premiere of the film. All of us were over there doing press every day where they sit you down in front of cameras and you do all this press, except Elijah couldn't be in Berlin - he was in New York. I think he was doing the 'Saturday Night Live' thing but what Elijah agreed to do very kindly was to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning in New York and sit in front of a camera so that the journalists in Berlin could interview him live since he couldn't be there. So Elijah's in a situation where he's in a room at 4 o'clock in the morning and he has no pictures to look at - there's just a camera pointing at him and he has an earphone on. He's live and he can hear the interviewer in Berlin asking questions. They feed several German interviewers and Elijah sits there blankly looking at the camera and answering the questions that are coming through his earpiece. After that had happened three or four times Dominic, who was in Berlin, thought this was an opportunity for a great practical joke! So Dominic comes into the room in Berlin, puts on a German accent and he pretends to be a German interviewer. Elijah has got no idea whatsoever because Dom put on a great accent 'Ah, hello zere Mr Wood I am pleased to meet you'. And then Dom proceeds to ask Elijah the most outrageously rude questions and Elijah's got no idea. He's sat there being filmed and there's this absolute moron asking questions on the other side and he was videoed too. We've got this thing and it's the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life: seeing Elijah trying to hold it together when he's being bombarded with these horrible questions. It was so funny that we're going to stick it on the DVD.


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HOLLY CRAP! אני משתוקקת להתבונן ברגעי הפז הללו... יבורך דומיניק (שבמקור בכלל גרמני, לא?). מבטא גרמני הוא המבטא השני האהוב עליי (אחרי צרפתי כמובן), אהוב בתור לחקות ז"א.


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איזה צחוקים איתו אני כבר מתה ליראות את זה

Eowyn of Rohan

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חחחחח איזה בן אדם חחח. פעם ראינו את דום, לא זוכרת מי ומה אבל הוא צוחק של על ויגו ומרחם על הילד שלו
.. פשוט תקראו: Do you think, to some extent, that that kind of give and take is the same as what you'd have to bring to a performance with other actors? MONAGHAN: Yeah, I do, although I think some of my favorite actors - like Johnny Depp and Daniel Day-Lewis and Gary Oldman, and Tim Roth - I think they're very good with character pieces. So you don't get to know too much about them in particular because all you get to know is the character that they are. You just get to know these people that they play. For me, that would be the purest form of acting and the purest form of actor... Is there anything that you haven't been asked... MONAGHAN: There's a few things, like why has it escaped the media's attention that Viggo Mortensen is the devil. That's never really been approached... Okay, so he's the sly one... MONAGHAN: He IS a sly one! Have you interviewed him? He is the "one you can't get near." MONAGHAN: Right, well, Viggo is a true individual. The devil's got a hell of a publicist... MONAGHAN: Yeah, he sure does. For the past two years, Viggo and I have been involved in trying to sabotage each other in the media by giving each other shit. For the second DVD of The Two Towers, the extended cut, there's a documentary of the actors just giving each other hassles, and there's HUGE stuff going on with Viggo and me, where we're just making up rumors about each other, and makin' out that things happened that actually didn't happen. I'm hell-bent on this idea of trying to convince the media that Viggo is either a woman in a man's body or the devil, or that he does terrible things to baby animals, and stuff like that. It was my understanding that he's entirely CG... MONAGHAN: Well, yeah! This is also not come out that much, either, that the majority - I would say probably 95% of the work that you see as Viggo onscreen is completely computer generated, because he has a wooden leg and he can't run. So they had to do all that CG. And also he can't act. There's all this stuff going on about how good he was in that film, but they had to morph a lot of the face movements from Billy and myself, because we were able to reach those levels of acting that Viggo just couldn't reach. I mean, he can barely talk English, you know? He's pretty dumb... So who dubbed his voice? MONAGHAN: I think Andy Serkis did a bit of work, and also Elijah. It's like a combination of the two of those guys. I mean, he's an amazing creation... MONAGHAN: He is an incredible creation, and you've got to give credit to Viggo, because it is mainly his torso and his chest that you are seeing, and he does look good in leather - but every time he opens his mouth, it's Andy Serkis, and every time his mouth moves it's done by Billy and I. And also, a lot of the main fighting that went on - that was me and Billy as well, because Viggo is quite weak. He's quite feminine. He could never lift the sword over his head, because he didn't have the muscle capacity. Yeah, I mean, it's so obvious that the guy who was in A Perfect Murder is not the same guy that's in Lord of the Rings... MONAGHAN: He's lost it. I mean, I personally feel that he peaked in GI Jane. I thought he was incredible, and when I met him I was quite overwrought - but within the first 10-15 minutes, I lost all that respect, because he smells pretty weird as well. He lives in a barn, and he just smells of... Well, it's kind of like horse piss and clothes that he's not changed, basically. It's unfortunate that all that work went into him, and because of his ego, WETA will never be recognized for it... MONAGHAN: No. Never. Poor Richard Taylor, I feel for him. And the sad thing with Viggo is he has a son. He has a young child, Henry - who's 15 now - who's now having to see and be influenced by his father. And we're all trying to protect Henry from basically being brought up by Frankenstein's monster. That's almost a case to make him a ward of the state... MONAGHAN: Seriously, we've already offered to look after Henry. Elijah and I said that we'd adopt him, and I think we're in the process of trying to make that happen, because it's hell seeing this young man be around this freak of nature, pretty much, you know? I think the case is open and shut... MONAGHAN: Yeah, I mean, why not? I'm going to make up a few pins for when we do this premiere tour… It'll be stuff like "Imprison Viggo," "Keep away from Viggo - He Bites."... "Free Henry"... MONAGHAN: Things like that. Because he shouldn't be allowed out in public unless he's in some sort of straitjacket. He also has a filthy, filthy potty mouth. I also heard that he hit that transvestite with his wooden leg... MONAGHAN: I mean, I'm kind of done with it. I don't have that much time for him anymore. But he's the type that would probably stalk you... MONAGHAN: You think? I mean, he's very physically strong... But you would probably hear the wooden leg... MONAGHAN: Oh Jesus Christ... Can you imagine that? Star hit with Viggo's wooden leg - that'll be the headline in the Enquirer when this comes out.


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אלוהים ישמור !

שמישהו פשוט יחזיק את דום קשור בתוך כלוב. הבנאדם יצא מכלל שליטה, וחוצמזה יש לשמור עליו מפני ויגו הנוקם, בעל רגל העץ. =הרי הוכחה נוספת שאליהו ודום מתחתנים ! הם מתכננים לאמץ את הנרי ! LOL,
מה בדיוק הולך שם ?


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אויש דום והשטויות שלו

איזה צחוקיםםםםם מתה חולה שרופה עליו