לפני שאתה זז
תקרא את סעיף 74 של התקנות לדעת אם אתה עומד בדרישות של קבלת הסטאטוס IN-LAND ואז תבדוק עם הCALL CENTRE איפה באזור מגורך ניתן לעשות את זה.סביר להניח שזה במשרד הראשי של מחלקת ההגירה בוואנקובר . obtaining status 74. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a skilled worker who meets the requirements of sections 76 and 77 must, in order to become a permanent resident, present their permanent resident visa to an officer at a port of entry. Exception (2) A skilled worker who meets the requirements of this Division may also become a permanent resident if they present their permanent resident visa to an officer at an office of the Department in Canada and provide evidence that they (a) have an arranged employment under section 82; and (b) hold a work permit, are working in Canada and have done so for at least one year preceding the date of their application for a permanent resident visa.