באותה טיוטה יש פירוט רב על הקשיים והתוצאות
איך מגלים זיהומים של אנשים כי הרי שהדימיון אמור להיות רב:
A special challenge in analyzing DNA sequences from the Neandertal nuclear genome is that most DNA fragments in a Neandertal are expected to be identical to present-day humans (41). Thus, contamination of the experiments with DNA from present-day humans may be mistaken for endogenous DNA
שיטה לגילוי זיהום אנושי:
Estimates of human DNA contamination. We used three approaches that target mtDNA, Y chromosomal DNA, and nuclear DNA, respectively, to gauge the ratio of present-day human relative to Neandertal DNA in the data produced.
סה"כ זיהום אנושי קטן מאחוז בודד:
In summary, all three measurements of human mtDNA contamination produce estimates of less than 1% contamination.
עד 95-99% זיהום של מיקרובים (ניקוי ע"י אנזימי הגבלה):
Enrichment of Neandertal DNA. Depending on the extract, between 95 and 99% of the DNA sequenced in the libraries was derived from nonprimate organisms, which are presumably derived from microbes that colonized the bone after the death of the Neandertals.
על קירבה ללא-אפריקנים (עפ"י התאמה של אללים):
The greater genetic proximity of Neandertals to Europeans and Asians than to Africans is seen no matter how we subdivide the data
The data suggest that between 1 and 4% of the genomes of people in Eurasia are derived from Neandertals. Thus, while the Neandertal genome presents a challenge to the simplest version of an “out-of-Africa” model for modern human origins, it continues to support the view that the vast majority of genetic variants that exist at appreciable frequencies outside Africa came from Africa with the spread of anatomically modern humans.
שוני עפ"י הטיוטה (פירוט של חמישה גנים):
We found 78 nucleotide substitutions that change the protein-coding capacity of genes where modern humans are fixed for a derived state and where Neandertals carry the ancestral (chimpanzee-like) state
We found only five genes with more than one fixed substitution changing the primary structure of the encoded proteins.
נראה שאותו פרופ' צ'רץ הוא מומחה גדול בריצוף גנטי והפיתוחים שלו הביאו להקמת 12 חברות:
אולי שיתנו לו כבר את ה 30 מיליון (סכום מצחיק לפרויקט כה שאפתני).