זהו אין יותר רכבת כחולה?
המדים החדשים של הקבוצה האמריקאית יהיו כנראה בצבע לבן. ושאלה חשובה: עד היום הפועלים של לאנס נקראו "הדוורים", איך הם יקראו מעכשיו, "המגלים"? או "החוקרים"? ושימו לב לדברים שארמסטרונג אומר לגבי ההופעה שלו בדופין ליברה: When asked about his preparation for the tour, and changes in his routine Armstrong replied at length. “The comfortable thing about winning the tour five times is that you can look back and compare notes. One thing I noticed when I looked back was that in the years where I had a good June, I did not have a good July. And the years that I had a bad June, I had a very good July. Even though I won in some of those years, for instance last year I won the Dauphine in June and I suffered in the month of July. We’ve tried to come in a little cooler this year, realizing that the last week of the tour is epic this year. It’s probably the hardest final week we’ve done in the last five or six years. So we’re going to put our emphasis on that.”