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פרנק סינטרה במיטבו !!!!!! כמה תמונות... ועוד פרטים כאלו ואחרים.... אני. (דרך אגב - למה בחרת בגלריה ולא בטיזינג


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quets from frank sinatra "I wish that one of these days somebody would learn to do [my art] so it doesn´t die where it is." "Luck is fine, and you have to have luck to get the opportunity. But after that, you´ve got to have talent and know how to use it." "Throughout my career, if I have done anything, I have paid attention to every note and every word I sing -- if I respect the song. If I cannot project this to a listener, I fail." "People often remark that I´m pretty lucky. Luck is only important in so far as getting the chance to sell yourself at the right moment. After that, you´ve got to have talent and know how to use it." "If I did half of what they say, I wouldn´t be here - I´d be in a jar at Harvard." When Harry Cohn, the notorious--and much despised--head of Columbia Pictures died, Hollywood crowds at his funeral prompted this famous Skelton response: "It just goes to show you if you give the people what they want, they´ll come out." "I get an audience involved, personally involved, in a song because I´m involved myself. It´s not something I do deliberately. I can´t help myself," "I´m for anything that gets you through the night, be it prayer, tranquilizers, or a bottle of Jack Daniel´s." "You can be the most artistically perfect performer in the world, but an audience is like a broad--if you´re indifferent, Endsville." "I´m supposed to have a Ph.D. on the subject of women. But the truth is I´ve flunked more often than not. I´m very fond of women; I admire them. But, like all men, I don´t understand them." "May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine." On Rock and Roll in 1958: "It is the most brutal, ugly, desperate, vicious form of expression it has been my misfortune to hear." His last words: "I´m losin."


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frank facts פרנק סבל מקרע בעור התוף באוזנו מלידה. זה הרחיק אותו מהצבא אבל כמובן שלא מקריירת המוזיקה שלו מרטין סינטרה, אביו, היה שומר סף בברין וכבאי. הוא היה גם מתאגרף והשתמש בכינוי "מרטי או´בריין" בקרבות אליל הילדות של פרנק סינטרה היה בינג קרוסבי. הוא ניסה לאמן את קולו כדי שישמע כמו הקולו הרך המשקה האהוב עליו - ג´ק דניאל´ס הצבע האהוב עליו - כתום פרנק סינטרה נקבר עם בקבוק של ג´ק דניאל´ס, חסיפת סיגריות "כאמל", מצת ציפו, ו-10 מטבעות של 10 סנט כל אחת. בתו טינה סינטרה ציינה שפרנק תמיד נשא את המטבעות האלו מאז 1963 כשבנו נחטף והוא רצה לוודא שתמיד יהיו לו מטבעות לטלפון ציבורי ``I think it came from Frankie´s kidnapping, maybe before, He never wanted to get caught not able to make a phone call. He always carried 10 dimes.´´ היא הניחה את המטבעות בכיסו. אחותה ננסי שמה בקבוק ויסקי בכיסו ומישהו אחר לא ידוע שם את המצת והסיגריות בכיסו.


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quats about frank "People who understand music hear sounds that no one else makes when Sinatra Sings." - Walter Cronkite "Let´s Face it, - Sinatra is a king. He´s a very sharp operator, a keen record chief, and has a keen appreciation of what the public wants." - Bing Crosby "The kid´s name is Sinatra. He considers himself the greatest vocalist in the business. No one ever heard of him. He looks like a wet rag. But he says he´s the greatest." - Harry James "I always felt that, behind the shrewd, sometimes manic eyes was the deep recognition that the truth was more than he had yet seen, and his sometimes abuse of power was an important struggle to find and understand it." - Shirley MacLaine "Every woman wants to have him, every man wants to be him." "Frank Sinatra´s voice expresses more eloquence that I can ever say in mere words." - Billy Joel "Frank Sinatra is one of the greatest performers of this century... I have grown up with Frank Sinatra and he will be deeply missed." - British Prime Minister Tony Blair "He of course had his talent, his charisma and his voice, but he also had his personality, warm, passionate...I had the chance to meet him and there was immediate sympathy between us. He will not be replaced." - French President Jacques Chirac "One of Sinatra´s favorite toasts to make with glass in hand was, ´May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.´ The master is gone but his voice will live forever." - Tony Bennett "I extend my deepest condolences to all of the Sinatra family at this difficult time. I was fortunate to have known and worked with one of the great entertainers of our time. He was also a humanitarian and social equalizer who was a trail blazer in the industry. To me, he will always be ´Chairman of the Board.´ I will miss him. My heart goes out to all of his family." - Tommy Sands "I think every American would have to smile and say he really did do it his way." -President Clinton "Today, the sound of heaven´s chorus is a little brighter and more beautiful as our dear friend, Frank Sinatra, joins its ranks. Frank´s golden gift made him a Hollywood icon. He sang about real people and real emotions; his songs and music transcend age and time. We will never forget when Frank performed at our inaugural celebrations - it made those evenings much more special to the both of us." - President Reagan and Nancy Reagan "He was the epitome of what singing is all about, beautiful sounds, smooth as silk, effortless, impeccable phrasing, stylish, intelligent and full of heart." - Barbara Streisand "We have lost part of our capacity to self-reflect because Frank is gone. His music helped us understand our own lives more clearly because he was authenitcally honest about himself. I am so sad for all of us who are now without him." - Shirley MacLaine "Frank knew how to do it. Everything. ...It humbles me to have been a small part of his gigantic presence." - Quincy Jones "He was the first love of my life and he remained a true friend, always there when I needed him. I will miss him more than words can say." - Mia Farrow "The world has now lost one of the most precious commodities. ...In all memories, from childhood to romance to the mature years, Frank has been with us in all times. He gave so much of himself and much more than people realized. It is a sad day today because Frank touched everyone in the world." - Ernest Borgnine


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Bono´s Speech at the 1994 Grammys (Sinatra called it "probably the best introduction I´ve ever had.") Frank never did like Rock and Roll And he´s not crazy about guys earing earrings either But he doesn´t hold it against me And anyway, the feeling is not mutual Rock and Roll people love Frank Sinatra because Frank has got what we want: swagger and attitude. he´s big on attitude Serious attitude, bad attitude Frank´s the Chairman of the bad Rock and Roll plays at being tough but this guy, well, he´s the boss The boss of bosses The man The big bang of pop I´m not gonna mess with him, are you? Who´s this guy that every city in America wants to claim as their own? This painter who lives in the desert, this first-rate, first-take actor This singer who makes other men poets Boxing clever with every word Talking like America Tough, straight-up, in headlines Comin´ through with the big stick, the aside, the quiet compliment Good cop, bad cop, all in the same breath You know his story ´cause it´s your story Frank walks like America -- cock-sure It´s 1945 and the U.S. Cavalry are trying to get their asses out of Europe, but they never really do They´re part of another kind of invasion AFR -- American Forces Radio (sic) Broadcasting a music that´ll curl the stiff upper-lip of England and the rest of the world Paving the way for Duke Ellington, the big band, Tommy Dorsey And right out in front... Frank Sinatra His voice as tight as a fist Opening at the end of a bar Not on the beat, over it, playing with it, splitting it like a jazz man, like Miles Davis Turning on the right phrase and the right song Which is where he lives, where he lets go, where he reveals himself His songs are his home and he lets you in But you know that to sing like that you´ve gotta have lost a couple of fights To know tenderness and romance you´ve gotta have had your heart broken People say that Frank hasn´t talked to the press, they wanna know how he is, what´s on his mind But you know Sinatra´s out there more nights than most punk bands Selling his story through the songs Telling and articulate in the choice of those songs Private thoughts on a public address system Generous This is the conundrum of Frank Sinatra Left and right brain hardly talking Boxer and painter, actor and singer, lover and father, bandman and loner Troubleshooter and troublemaker The champ who would rather show you his scars than his medals He may be putty in Barbara´s hands But I´m not gonna mess with him, are you? Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to welcome a man heavier than the Empire State, more connected than the Twin Towers, as recognizable as the Statue of Liberty, and living proof that God is a Catholic! Will you welcome the King of New York City, Francis Albert Sinatra!