מה אנשים עושים בישביל הסטלה:
חומר שמצאתי ברשת A Russian traveller in eastern Siberia in the late eighteenth century, whilst among the Chukchi people, reported a strange case of animal intoxication: In the last few days the Chukchi have had two dead reindeer and take the cause to be that they had given them too much human urine to drink. They give them some from time to time in order to make them strong and improve their staying-power. The fluid has the same effect on the reindeer as intoxicating drink has on people who have fallen victim to the drinking habit. The reindeer become just as drunk and have just as great a thirst. At night they are noisy and keep running around the tents in the expectation of being given the longed-for fluid. And when some is spilled out into the snow, they start quarrelling, tearing away from each other the clumps of snow moistened with it. Every Chukchi saves his urine in a sealskin container which is especially made for the purpose and from which he gives his reindeer to drink. Whenever he wants to round up his animals, he only has to set this container on the ground and slowly call out ´Girach, Girach!´, and they promptly come running towards him from afar. The Chukchi are known to consume the fly-agaric mushroom and sometimes they also drink their own or others´ urine after eating this fungus, as its psychoactive properties are still effective in the urine. It seems that the above account must be referring to this urine as it is hard to believe that the reindeer would behave so irrationally if they had simply been drinking normal urine. Reindeer are also known to eat the fly-agaric of their own volition (as are Siberian bears in the rutting season who, according to native opinion, do so in order ´not to fear´) and Siberians who find them in such a state bind them with ropes and quickly slaughter them to consume their flesh, which is psychoactive for a short time after death. Such reindeers are, of course, only psychoactive because of the mushrooms that they have eaten but there may be other mammals that are themselves psychoactive. In Russia it was apparently a custom that if a cat ate mukhomor (i.e. the fly-agaric mushroom) it was given the hemp or cannabis plant to sober it up! To my knowledge there is no clearly proven case for the use of mammal parts for their own psychoactive properties. There are, however, some instances which would benefit from further investigation. מעט תירגום: ברוסיה יש שבטים שאוכלים פיטריה מסוימת (אמנית)שעושה הזיות. מיסתבר שהחומר הפעיל יוצא בשתן וניתן להישתמש בו עוד מיספר פעמים במידה ושותים את השתן...וזה בדיוק מה שהשבטים האלה עושים.יותר מיזה,הם נותנים לאיילים שהם עובדים איתם גם לישתות מהשתן שלהם כדי "שיהיו חזקים". יש גם מיקרים שדובים אוכלים את הפיטריה הנ"ל וכשבני השבטים מוצאים אותם במצב כזה של הזיות (מעניין מזהים דוב בהזיות,זה לא כתוב)הם ממהרים ליתפוס ולישחוט אותם כי אפשר להיתמסטל מאכילת הבשר .... אין גבול t
חומר שמצאתי ברשת A Russian traveller in eastern Siberia in the late eighteenth century, whilst among the Chukchi people, reported a strange case of animal intoxication: In the last few days the Chukchi have had two dead reindeer and take the cause to be that they had given them too much human urine to drink. They give them some from time to time in order to make them strong and improve their staying-power. The fluid has the same effect on the reindeer as intoxicating drink has on people who have fallen victim to the drinking habit. The reindeer become just as drunk and have just as great a thirst. At night they are noisy and keep running around the tents in the expectation of being given the longed-for fluid. And when some is spilled out into the snow, they start quarrelling, tearing away from each other the clumps of snow moistened with it. Every Chukchi saves his urine in a sealskin container which is especially made for the purpose and from which he gives his reindeer to drink. Whenever he wants to round up his animals, he only has to set this container on the ground and slowly call out ´Girach, Girach!´, and they promptly come running towards him from afar. The Chukchi are known to consume the fly-agaric mushroom and sometimes they also drink their own or others´ urine after eating this fungus, as its psychoactive properties are still effective in the urine. It seems that the above account must be referring to this urine as it is hard to believe that the reindeer would behave so irrationally if they had simply been drinking normal urine. Reindeer are also known to eat the fly-agaric of their own volition (as are Siberian bears in the rutting season who, according to native opinion, do so in order ´not to fear´) and Siberians who find them in such a state bind them with ropes and quickly slaughter them to consume their flesh, which is psychoactive for a short time after death. Such reindeers are, of course, only psychoactive because of the mushrooms that they have eaten but there may be other mammals that are themselves psychoactive. In Russia it was apparently a custom that if a cat ate mukhomor (i.e. the fly-agaric mushroom) it was given the hemp or cannabis plant to sober it up! To my knowledge there is no clearly proven case for the use of mammal parts for their own psychoactive properties. There are, however, some instances which would benefit from further investigation. מעט תירגום: ברוסיה יש שבטים שאוכלים פיטריה מסוימת (אמנית)שעושה הזיות. מיסתבר שהחומר הפעיל יוצא בשתן וניתן להישתמש בו עוד מיספר פעמים במידה ושותים את השתן...וזה בדיוק מה שהשבטים האלה עושים.יותר מיזה,הם נותנים לאיילים שהם עובדים איתם גם לישתות מהשתן שלהם כדי "שיהיו חזקים". יש גם מיקרים שדובים אוכלים את הפיטריה הנ"ל וכשבני השבטים מוצאים אותם במצב כזה של הזיות (מעניין מזהים דוב בהזיות,זה לא כתוב)הם ממהרים ליתפוס ולישחוט אותם כי אפשר להיתמסטל מאכילת הבשר .... אין גבול t