מה אתם חושבים על...

Hao Asakura

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מה אתם חושבים על...

אלבום חדש לאיו? מתי הוא יהיה אחרי כל השיגעון של השנה? איך הוא יהיה עם כל החומרים החדשים שהיא הקריצה פתאום!? האם זה יותר מידיי מוקדם/מאוחר? וכמובן עוד דעות....מצ'עמם לי >:


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אם בכלל יכול להיות שייצא לה אלבום חדש בין פברואר לאפריל. אולי היא תשחרר עוד סינגל אחד לפני ואם לא אז זה בטח יהיה בפברואר-מרץ. היא כתבה בבלוג שלה ב Team ayu שהיא הקליטה שיר חדש ואחריו עוד שיר חדש שהוא "רוק כבד" אז כרגע אי אפשר לדעת מה מתכננים לעשות איתם (סינגל או שיהיה כבר אלבום וכו'). כרגע היא עובדת מאוד קשה על ה COUNTDOWN LIVE 2008-2009 במיוחד שיש לה 30 שירים לעשות בהופעה (ועוד יש שירים שהיא בקושי שרה\אף פעם לא שרה) של שלוש וחצי שעות והיא כנראה תשיר חלק מאחד השירים החדשים שהיא הקליטה ^__^. 70,000 אנשים שהם רק מהמועדון מעריצים Team ayu הזמינו כבר כרטיסים ואיו רוצה למצוא דרך שכול יש שרוצה ישאר לו כרטיס או שישיג איכשהו אז מחר היא הולכת לפרסם איך כולם יוכלו להמשיך להשיג כרטיסים XD. אחרי ההופעה הזאת היא בטח תתחיל לעבוד על סינגל/אלבום או גם וגם חדשים ^_^.


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תרגום של כמה פוסטים מהזמן האחרון מהבלוג שלה..

ב - Team ayu. אני חייב לציין שהיא ממש כותבת בצורה מתוקה והיא מראה אל כולנו אהבה רבה D=. (תרגום לאנגלית כמובן P:) היא גם כותבת בשעות לא נורמליות XD.


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ayu messages 322 & 323

!Team ayu message 322 - It's true "No. 322 13 November 2008 5:36 PM The fact is that the true identity of "Chanchan" is me. Teeheeheeheehee.... It might take your eyes a second to see it, but really, it's me. In case you don't understand what I'm talking about, go see the latest entry at Zin's blog. Chanchan deshita. " ~~~ Team ayu message 323 - Whhooooooaaaaa No. 323 14 November 2008 3:21 AM Just now, I finally finished figuring out the CDL setliiiiissst~~~~. From this point on, rehearsals should go smoothly, but there might be revisions put into the setlist. Iyaaaa, Hamasaki Ayumi really does have a lot of songs. Once again, I was surprised. I went over it with everyone on the staff, and, incredibly, when it seemed like the whole set list was songs I rarely choose to play, they all quickly said "I wanna hear this~!". After all that... I'll have to try my best to remember the songs' lyrics. (lol) Anyhow, I really want to see how it'll go this year!!! I really hope with all my heart that everyone will be able to get tickets. We~ell, starting tomorrow morning I'm doing magazine photo shoots & a CM shoot, so I'd better get to sleep soon~~~~~. But I was able to finish the setlist, so I'm so incredibly giddy, it's like I'm too tense to go to sleep! LOL


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ayu message 324

"Days"'s... No. 324 15 Nov 2008 10:13 PM ...PV is being edited. This is dangerous! Last night, after the Wacoal shoot (see Mama's blog), I cried sympathy tears. Oh, poor Chanchan. Well no, I wasn't crying cuz of me in the video, it's that there's this thing.... it was like.... well he.... umm.... Ack!!!!!!!! Gah, I want to explain everything!!!!!!!!!! But I won't. For now, I'll just say... there's a trick. This trick, the moment you notice it, you'll be crying three times as much! You'll have to watch it a million times. By the way, lately I'm dividing up dates, days of the week, and day & night and I don't know why. As such, I do have intentions of updating every day, but it has been twice a day, then one day with no update, so it's kinda like "subbossu", I may hesitate when writing (lol) perhaps, but please watch over me kindly. Ah, the countdown..... A few got dizzy when they saw the setlist, not just me, I expect... hahaha! But there are precious pieces of music here. So I want to take great care singing them. No matter what, neverending, as though I'm never disappearing. For all of you, I'll do my best!


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ayu messages 325

Unnnnnngh~~~~~ (>_<) No. 325 16 November 2008 3:53 AM That sums it up. (lol) For the sake of keeping everything in order while simultaneously working on CDL and the new PV, I'm keeping my train of thought as short as possible, lol. When things get like this, I dunno how I keep moving forward, day after day, watching over everything, doing things over!!!! I'm bravely stopping here because today there are many cases like that. I have a magazine shoot tomorrow too, so I'm gonna get in the bath soon & try to get to bed early~. Letting my heart go to waste.... Seems to ease my serious head. And, again, starting tomorrow, I'll have a new momentum. By the way, in times like these it's great for me to look at photos that make me feel better... This, of course, means photos of my little ones. (*^_^*)


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ayu message 327

Chonchan,* (ניק חדש של איו צ'ונצ'אן) XD No. 327 17 November 2008 5:23 AM ...is still working, working, working~~~~ Let me see... tomorrow more details about CDL will be available, Ohji told me... After that, everyone in TA will want to be told about it, and I promised you all when I wrote before that I'd let you know~. In the meantime, there's the title for this year's Countdown Live. The name we have given it is.... PREMIUM COUNTDOWN LIVE!** desu. Well, what the heck is "Premium" about it, exactly....? Over a period of three and a half hours, 30 songs straight will be played for you nonstop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Teeheehee... Give me strength everyone, so that after rehearsals, I can face the uphill climb. (^-^)/(^-^)/(^-^)/ This whole team - the band, dancers, so many staff, and me - are facing this long road for the first time, doing this many songs for the first time. Rehearsals will be especially crazy, the days will be severe. But we will keep your smiling faces in mind and we are going to try our best.(*^_^*) By the way, the amount of choreography that Zin will do hasn't been hampered. The countdown's scenarios will have Zin's name all over them, lol. Everyone, please send along your encouraging messages! And then I'm gonna continue with lots of dancing lessons from Subassu. Look forward to it~* After that, of course the great Peco, my dear friend Kayanocchi, prince Maro and I will do our best participating in the dancing!!!!! The scale of this performance seems to know no limits. (*^^) Really, it'll be a must-see!!! Right? (^_-)-* As for me, my physical strength is sure to hold up, but my voice is rather weak, so.... I'd better really take care-------------!! Ah, as for my trainer Sou-chan's blog, everyone who helped me with that, thank you! ∈^0^∋ I'm able to read it now~~~~~~~ Shou's blog is visible now, yay~~~~~.


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ayu messages 336-337

Could this be the end? No. 336 22 November 2008 4:03 AM WWWWWWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNN WWWWWWWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN NN Yes, everyone in team "Ta", Chonchan's diary is updated. And... I can say "Ta" with confidence!!! Zinchon??? (Cracking up) But, it's amusing, so I'll allow it. XD Well, today I'm having a complete hermit-day. I'm always facing the PC, so I'm turning into a cardboard cut-out. Yeeaaahhh, still haven't been able to write any lyrics. Because the melodies haven't been narrowed down yet!ヽ(^0^)ノヽ(^0^)ノヽ(^0^)ノ Basically, the steps for writing haven't been taken!ヽ(^0^)ノヽ(^0^)ノ Haaa... The composers wrote many many good songs, so over the course of the day today, it was narrowed down to 3 or 4 compositions. The arrangers too have to crank out some really good music, so I'm worried~~~~~~. Incidentally, among the candidate songs, there's one composition that I did myself. (Been awhile, huh~? But, just because it's my little baby doesn't mean it'll get picked! lol. To the last, I'll head for my objective. I'll pick the song with pure, unbiased feelings. I'm continuing working into the long night, and although I've turned into a cardboard cut out, I'll keep on with the effort. Without any magic tricks or anything, I think there's no way any cardboard cutout could ever surpass this one. I'm talking & explaining for a very long time again. lol Well then, work work work. niiiinja vanish! So now... No. 337 22 November 2008 6:59 AM The two people indespensible to Ayumi Hamasaki's sound when recording TO BE and LOVE, the director Kome and the engineer Morimoto, are working on the closing stages of the song's production. Since they're JUST BARELY gonna make the deadline, they're working very very hard without sleeping. (>_<)!!!!!! And they got to a point where I was able to hear it just now, but... I am full of emotion (T_T) After the ear thing happened, and even before that, my vocal style has always been changing. I can't sing in the same ways, and even from now on my key will lower over time, a variety of things happen, and I can't help but have feelings of regret. Since then, I've always thought that I've been using those regrets as a springboard to jump from, somehow putting forth a wholehearted effort to, in my own way, create songs that have always come from a free heart, so I could help lots of different people. And then, even songs that reach high F like GREEN & TO BE became singable. Up until then, I could sing high C or C# or so. Which is to say, my vocal range has extended by 3 notes. It isn't impossible! I can say this with confidence. If I achieve my goals, I change. But now I must carry that considerable resolution on my shoulders. To everyone, up until now and beyond, I want to deliver you Hamasaki Ayumi, and now seeing this, I want you to feel peace of mind, and I want you to smile. This feeling has been able to inspire me. When I did the acapella at the beginning of each concert on this tour, it was an indication of this purpose. So what next----?! A little bit ago, the god of Lyrics (not Zin, haha*) FINALLY came down-------------!(^^)! Well, starting now, I must be the Lyricist Chonchan. o/~ Just by thinking of you, my heart holds onto the meaning of living.


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ayu messages 338 & 339

Eventually, No. 338 22 November 2008 7:12 PM Once I noticed, I had gone from then until about 11:00, totally immersed in the lyrics as though possessed. But after coming to my senses & seeing the clock, I was as surprised as you'd expect. 11:00? lol It's lunchtime? Yeah, I guess it is! XD So I hurried up & took a nap, and temporarily went back to work on the concert, and after this the lyric-writing will continue-----. I feel so spirited! ROFL Oh yeah, yesterday, I wrote GREEN as GERRN. How can anyone read that! XD But ya know... You're here. With that alone, my heart becomes very warm. So. (*^_^*) I still have a ways to go~. Indian No. 339 23 November 2008 4:00 AM tradition seems to have been broken - Chonchan does her best and "Indozin"'s blog gets an update~.* Well, awhile ago, I was able to successfully finish writing the lyrics (^_^)v and I handed them over to the arranger. Now, starting today we'll start confirming the sound source for band rehearsals. Woooooowww~ hearing this song & that song, I'm able to hear the current band member's performances, and they're not based on the performance produced back then, so there's a somehow luxurious feeling. Even Peco from day one has been working hard on her own ultrasonic waves. Perhaps she can get dolphins to gather around! LOL Peco & Princess are doing a great job memorizing the lyrics. (^0^. And now, presenting our newest member who'll be doing things with us for the first time, Yuusuke!!! Do your best! Well I say that there, but really I want everyone to do their best-------!!!! As for me, planning the concert is still not finished, so I have to go back to work again. Hm, that. What is today? Or rather, when did today start and when is it ending? Or rather, who sells that sort of deep V-neck T-shirt? ...Ramen.


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ayu message 342

Band rehearsal, No. 342 25 November 2008 2:08 AM Day 3. After this amount of time the band still hasn't quite reached full maturity, but they're bending over backwards to get there. Incidentally, yesterday's band rehearsal went until 3 AM (!!), continuing under Shingo-boss' instruction... And although they are super, top rank musicians, better musicians than I am, they are still practicing very intensively every day, staying up late, past midnight, and I am so grateful that they are doing this, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. Starting tomorrow, dance rehearsals are starting at last. If I keep talking like this here today, my eyes are gonna turn into Benzo-san part 2, I think... As for me, I'm keeping on with the concert planning!!!!! I can't wait until I can see all you TA members' wonderful faces! o/~ Jeez, I was crying though, while i was planning the concert. Hahaha Ninnnnnjjaaaa vannniiiisssh-cho.


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ayu messages 344 & 345 דבר חמוד שאיו עשתה..

לרקדן שלה ZIN לכבוד יומהולדתו XD Congratulations No. 344 25 November 2008 11:33 PM Those of you who got the a-nation DVD today, before its actual release, after my cardboard cutout comment, many thanks. (lol) However, everyone in team "Ta" is very clever. The meaning of "cardboard cutout", and the people who saw the moment of quickly changing into a cardboard cutout, there were many of you!! clap-clap-clap~* You watched AUDIENCE alone not less than 10 times, and my inbox was full of comments about it. You did very well, team "Ta"!!!! But the real release date is tomorrow, so after this there'll be alot more people watching it, and they'll see it and they'll want to solve the cardboard cutout mystery too, I think Huh??????? Released tomorrow...... I say this because perhaps, or rather certainly, the release date is also the day Zin was born. Teeheeheehee..... Well then, now comes the most important question. Starting awhile ago, regarding today, MANY messages from everyone came, with the request that "Team "Ta" needs to wish Zin a happy birthday~~~", and it was very deeply moving. Of course, I completely agree. (^_-)-* There... To Zin's blog, the moment it turns 0:00 midnight, everyone simultaneously send a Happy Birthday message, okay??? Buu~uuut, it'll be midnight in 30 minutes. Just in case there aren't enough members seeing my writing in time, do some networking and tell everyone please~!!! And from here, everyone will be able to see our indefatigable power of unity!!!!! Yay!!!!! Alright everyone, be at the ready! Yoroshiku<(`_')> Woooow... No. 345 26 November 2008 2:33 AM Amazing... The number of blog comments, it's just an incredible amount.* Everyone who considered participating in this great plan, and everyone who approved of it, I truly thank you. I don't think I was so moved even on my own birthday! (T_T) Because we are, whether very far away from each other or very close to each other, always profoundly and deeply connected to each other. People who got a hold of their network so quickly, REALLY thank you so much!!!!!!!! I wanna join this network of yours too. Let me in! LOL For the time being, I can say without error... Team "Ta" is the strongest!! <(`_')>!!!!!!!!!


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ayu messages 352-354

Auu~... No. 352 30 November 2008 7:05 AM Maro's photo was uploaded in Today's Photo, to my great delight, and I thought after having been on the computer for 2 hours that maybe I should do a post after that, but then I wasted time and then I went to sleep. So, having gotten impatient at 2:00 AM, after having wrongly guessed that it was about 2:00 PM or so (lunch time), this silly Hama-chon knew that midnight had already come once she came out YO!! See, I'd been having a REALLY nice dream, so when I woke up I thought I should go back to sleep and maybe continue the dream, but when I eventually did go back to sleep, it seems the dream had ended without me already. (lol) Now, if I may say what I've been up to... I've been working lyrics for a new song (not the one I recorded yesterday, it's another one). And it's really hard rock!!!!!! !! The beginning of it borrows your tension until the moment it really grabs it, LOL. But I was able to do good---- o/~ I'm happy with it (*^_^*) Aah! Which reminds me... Maro's T-Shirt doesn't have a deep V-neck today, sorry (lol)... next time look forward to it! Well, although I was interrupted halfway I can't seem to go back to sleep, so after this I'm gonna do the Christmas Tree decorating------!! o/~ This is work that I really really love doing every year. (lol) But some of my staff already are decorating trees everywhere. Just now I went ahead & counted them to see, and there are 6. I said, "6!!!" all serious & surprised. lol I thought should take a photo of whoever did the absolute most beautiful decorating~. Hence, the Today's Photo upload! -Hamachonchan. Going back to sleep... No. 353 30 November 2008 10:16 AM ...I thought I was going back to sleep??? haha I'm awake now~~~~~~ (^_-)* I should be slowly getting ready. Today again, under the same sky, everyone have a lovely day (*^_^*) Just barely made it... No. 354 30 November 2008 8:53 PM Today is the on-air date for the final japanese show in Yoyogi. I thought I could post something for you to read before the broadcast started if I dashed over here. But... I'm pretty sure this will take a long time to write, so it'll be fine for you to read it after the show has ended. While editing the show for tonight's broadcast, I reeeeeeeeeaaally remembered alot of things. Good things, bad things, everything. I was able to objectively look at the Yoyogi performance with fresh eyes, and then, with amazing speed, my memories of it all came back. But although it's not much, this one writing will not be the usual length, so since this is a serious matter and I'd like to explain it, please listen to me talk about the start of the tour... It was the day I said, "tomorrow rehearsal ends!". At last, we found ourselves at the starting line, the first day of the show was right around the corner, it was the big moment. Through my own imperfections & carelessness, I had an accident. I worked so hard experimenting on every single thing, desperately, for months. "One more day!!" I'd say, and that would be a mortifying day where I was mad at myself... But basically, at the time, I tried to understand completely that I didn't have the type of personality where I'd talk to other people about my personal feelings on things at all, and I needed to resolve that. But originally, in order to attack the places that weren't flawless, after the accident, I'd put practical questions up against this difficult situation. Of course, it wasn't possible for me to participate in what would be the last rehearsal. So yeah, the rehearsal was performed without me. I was very apologetic and regretful about it, which was really baseless, because I was in the hospital. So then that night, after the rehearsal was finished, I suddently got a phone call from Go-mi. He said, "You can't keep working so hard by yourself! Why do you think we're here?! We'd defend you to the very last no matter what!! So please, depend on us more!" He was seriously yelling at me. And immediately after this I got another call, this time from Peco. "Ayuchan," she said, "if there's something that's too much for your abilities, when it gets to be too much, we're all absolutely completely able to handle it. So it's okay." And before Yoyogi, Kayanocchi called many times even while I was crying, saying "All the guests are waiting for Ayu-chan, so we would like to play your songs. So we'll do what we can to keep trying until Yoyogi." She said this over & over again. These three people have been kindly watching over me for the last 10 years, so I've kept running alongside those three. But in these whole ten years, they'd never been able to share their emotions straight up with me. So my heart was incredibly shaken by it. How can I explain this... until that time, I was stubborly straining myself with everything, and at the moment I knew how they felt, I released myself. And then I got to thinking. If I have these members, we can absolutely struggle towards our goals together! I made a pledge to myself that when we start something, we should do it to the end!! So after making that decision from the bottom of my heart, when I saw all the members & many of the staff who were at Yoyogi, how do I say it... I was so thankful and felt so warm, that I absolutely believed that even if the curtains never opened, this tour would be absolutely amazing. So there were various things this year's tour started with.... And I just barely made it in time. I did pretty awesome writing this. If you read all the way through it, I thank you. See you later.


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ayu messages 355-356

Part Two... No. 355 1 December 2008 12:20 AM So, did you see it, everyone?? It felt like just an instant since it was only 90 minutes long, definitely. Being such a restricted time, there are many scenes cut out, and when you see them you'll understand. And yet the only scenes I couldn't cut no matter what were things like before the curtain went up, the wait for the encore, the wave... In any case, everybody in the venue's faces are shown. Only in those places were no cuts made. Did you notice? Basically, everyone is important to the show, not just the people who helped create it, and I wanted to edit the show in a way that conveyed that. And so, everyone who was able to watch, you'll get the whole show when we release the uncut edition on DVD! Those who are regretful because they couldn't watch today, don't be sad, it's okay!! Because it will make it a more brilliant piece of work, and make it a brilliant shining crystal, I'm going to properly start a trip to everyone's origin. Please wait for that. And when I can take the time to, I'll write the proper continuation to the tour story I wrote about earlier, since I haven't yet. Please look forward to it. And looking at everyone's messages was almost dangerous to do, they made me cry. So now with my nose running, I have to get back to work. Starting today, No. 356 1 December 2008 11:34 AM It's Decembeeerr!!! Today, I tackled 2 TV lives with the band (-_^)-*


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ayu message 357

Yesterday, No. 357 2 December 2008 1:00 PM I was really tired, and I came here to write, but my japanese was getting rather imperfect sounding so I gave up. So now, I've finally been able to return to share what I was going to say yesterday. Yesterday we did the taping at NHK Hall for Music Japan. It was my first time singing "Days" for a tv show, so I was very nervous, and I was singing with all my might, and then at the last chorus... "kimi ga iru, sore dake de, kokoro ga totemo atatakaku naru" "kimi ga iru, sore dake de, kokoro wa ikiru imi wo motsu kara" Those two lines got jumbled up in my head, and turned into, "kimi ga iru, sore dake de, kokoro wa 'tomaru' imi wo motsu kara" ("Just because you're here, my heart holds the meaning of coming to a halt") And that's what I sang. And I did halt!!!! (lol!) Thanks go to the very kind guests and staff at the venue who let me sing one more time to correct it. I give you my gratitude------ m(__)m And then right after that we changed locations to the TBS studio to tape CDTV. Of course the band & I had a completely changed disposition by this point. So then, the band who had now successfully completed 2 TV lives headed to band rehearsal. And I likewise headed for dance rehearsal. After going back home, it's a meeting for band rehearsal sound check & dance rehearsal video check. You know, after doing this every day I'm getting pretty used to it. The way I usually check them is, I'll listen to each sound played one at a time (for example, first I'll listen to just the guitar, then second I'll listen to just the drums...), and eventually repeat playback for everyone's parts. This means, since the band has 7 people including the two backup singers, I listen to one song at least 7 times. For dance rehearsal too, I do the check in a similar way. There are 10 dancers so I watch the performance 10 times, once isn't enough. Yesterday, since I was working until morning on this, I couldn't even speak japanese anymore. XD Even in my current state, this Chonchan has to rehearse for tomorrow's FNS Live. I'm singing 2 songs, but one of them is acapella so I'm very very nervous~~~~~~....>_<.... I'm practicing with the 'sorority' of three girls, Peco, Princess, and Hamorikko. o/~ Oh yeah, and Kaz is uploading Today's Photo after this. Everyone please look forward to it (^_-)-*


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ayu message 358

Chonchaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!! No. 358 4 December 2008 2:08 AM Everyone in Team "Ta" was outside Shin-Takanawa Prince hotel, continuing to wait in the cold weather, and at the moment I came out, everyone yelled that out to me. lol I'll be honest. I nearly walked right past it. And um, someone did this huge "KYAAAA! KYAAAAAA!" sound. And then I thought, hm? Chonchan? Aah, that's me!!! XD!!! So yeah, I was Chonchan. XD So you guys calling out to me like that, I think Chonchan's godparent (I guess XD) Zin-san would be delighted to know that. You know, because of this, I've noticed that most recently, honestly, not too many people are calling me "ayu". 9 people have called me "Chonchan" in messages here. Haha! You know, I think I'm getting used to being called Chonchan, myself. Well, this Chonchan has been dealing with the usual mental strain today. The acapella I told myself I'd do!!!! Oh boy (@_@; ) Hmm. I was so nervous that in the middle of the night last night, I called Peco to say "I am so nervous!!!". lol But it was the three of us up there, so that helped (*^_^*) And everyone said "You did a really good job----!!!!!" so I felt better. And then was the first Days TV live o/~ I didn't say "my heart is halting" today (lol), I got through it fine. aaaaa----------------- yay me! --------- \(^0^)/ So today there's one more big thing that I can't forget!!!! Countdown Live's ticket results... People who were selected, congratulations, really!!! Everyone on the team, look forward to Yoyogi~~~ (^_-). And to those unfortunately not chosen... It's okay!! There's still the regular lottery for tickets, plus the same-day tickets too!!!!!!!! There's still more chances, so it's too early to feel like you've lost. (^_-)-* And hey, if all else fails, we can still enjoy each other's company via TV!!!!! But yes, I want to let everyone coming to the venue know that actually coming is definitely still good. lol If it were up to me, honestly, I'd wanna give out free passes or something. lol Because really I just want us all to be together. I want to enjoy everyone's company Yes. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~ (>_<)(>_<)(>_<) But really, this is on such a huuuuuuge scale. (>_<) I wish everyone had good luck... (v_v) One last thing. Kaz is uploading Today's Photo. te ke rya. (I dunno what this means, can any japanese speakers help? --Deli) Nin-chonchan vanish.


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(מהודעה 358) מאוד אהבתי את ההופעה שלה ב FNS, היא שרה מדהים!


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ayu messages 359-360 (פורסמו היום)

Urgent Announcement!!! No. 359 4 December 2008 3:56 PM Everyone on team "Ta" all over japan - no, all over the world. Everyone on team "Ta" who called me "Chonchan" 9 times. Everyone on team "Ta" whose numbers are increasing lately. Everyone on team "Ta" who I love!!! I checked up on the CDL ticket situation. And um, first of all I want to say, you guys are magnificent!!! Why do I say "magnificent"......? Just for "Ta" membership, (only for the general fanclub) The number of members is up to 70,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seventy Thousand..... SEVENTY THOUSAND. Hoooooooooooooooooooooooly cow (@_@; ) That's why there were so many who didn't win for tickets o_o Because even if both days of the show are limited to just TA members, not everyone would be able to get in-----. However, upon fully understanding the state of things, Chonchan was immediately influenced to act. Alright, are you ready for this??? We are taking applications for subordinate jobs in team "Ta". (^_-)-* This time, I plan on giving members who were rejected in the ticket drawing preferential treatment. Please make note of that. As for details like how to apply and when, lots of the grown-ups here are working hard on that, so please be patient for awhile. m(-_-)m Information will be posted here on team "Ta" as soon as details are all decided!!!!!!! You know, I do love that nickname, "Chonchan". lol Ninchonchan vanish! Urgent Announcement Part 2!!!! No. 360 4 December 2008 5:03 PM Regarding the entry I wrote awhile ago about subordinate jobs at TA, it's been decided that details will be released tomorrow!!!!!! The grown-ups worked very hard!!!!!!!!!! Thank yoooouuu (>_<)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And as I also wrote before, members who weren't chosen in the ticket draw will recieve priority. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation. To those who obtained tickets for resale purposes, putting them up for auction and the like, you will not be included in the priority group. That's right! (`_')> Everyone, don't miss your chance on this! (^_-)-*


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איו כותבת הרבה שם O:

איזה חמודה.. היא ממש משקיעה את כל הנשמה 3>