hwo are the shamans
the shamans where the ones that knew..anything more then the rest of the people in the old tribes they had explanations about how the world works for before people knew that the sun rises and sets by the laws of phisics the thought gods rose and set it shamans also use the healing powers of herbs and walk through higher realms of consciosness,speek tosould of the dead and bring right sacrifices for ordinary people supposubly don't know how why? becouse the eldars of eatch way(like the druids and the kabbalah practitioners) kept their secrets very good alot of the information that is now owned by all was forbidden and the magi(of all faiths this was the same)where giving their lives..years of practise and research to be able to do what they did and know what they knew with no danger that it may fall to the wrong(or just underpractised)hands