Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
פרויד, למשל, דיבר על הדמיון שבין התנהגות אובססיבית-קומפולסיבית לבין ריטואלים דתיים מסוימים. קטע ממאמר (יש למטה גם קישור):
To Freud, obsessions and compulsions were private and often idiosyncratic. On the other hand, religious rites were public and more uniform. In that sense, OCD could be seen as a travesty of religious practice. Freud saw both religious ceremonials and obsessive-compulsive rites as protections against fear, as affirmations of belief. In one, a public, common belief; in the other, a private fear or wish. The important theme was the symbolic expression common to both. Ritual means safety, purification, and order. Ritual washing affirms integrity and acceptance. Thus religious leaders such as rabbis, priests, etc. can play a key role in the healing of OCD, by annulling the oaths, making sure that the patient know that God is a loving God and he won't make you accountable to some vows the patient made under unique circumstances that cannot be kept. This discharging of the oaths and the ceremonials rites such as washing away of the sins and oaths can go a long way to the healing process.
ויש כאן עוד
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