בקיצור, עדכון לא טוב
חוץ מדצמבר. נכנסתי לאחד הפורומים הבריטיים, וקראתי ניתוחים לתחזית של ראודר - מדברים על חורף קר במיוחד והירבו לדבר על חזרתו של ינואר 1987 שהיה הקר ביותר בבריטניה. זה היה הניתוח של אחד הגולשים: כמה זה מדוייק? לא יודע. אוקטובר October very much as anticipated from the ENSO composites http://www.netweather.tv/forum/index.php?s...st&p=791954 http://www.netweather.tv/forum/index.php?s...st&p=783215 with low pressure anchored to our SW throwing up warm and another above average month - but also check out events over Siberia with that negative anomaly propogating some serious early cold southwards. נובמבר November continues the ENSO trend, mean low pressure to our west and over the UK, mild and wet - but cold air still being drawn southwards to our east. דצמבר December - classic Atlantic pattern for El Nino with lowering of pressures from Florida to the Azores and interestingly, the jetstream going very quiet and southwards with a probable strong sub-tropical jet in evidence. First glimpse and instinct might be for those easterlies not to pack the punch, but bear in mind what may have gone on since October in that locale. ינואר January - a doozy - strong sub-tropical flow and weak, displaced polar jet flirting with the SW - potentially a very snowy projection. Big -ve NAO I would suggest and neutralish AO with a possible very weakly +ve or even switched QBO phase. פברואר Feb - the breakdown, with the NAO still negative so some potential there before the milder stuff heads in. At present (we still have over 6 weeks to go) my thoughts would be very similar for October and November. Whether December follows suite is the major question at the moment. By far the biggest encouragement is the overlay of ENSO composites with current trend in Atlantic SSTAs and a strong hint for the sub-topical jet to be the major player on the hemispheric stage this winter.