מישהו יודע האם זה נכון?
שלוסי עזבה את ניו זילנד סופית לטובת לוס אנגלס? תקראו את המכתב הזה שמצאתי במיוחד בשורות האחרונות שבהן היא נאמר בבירור שלוסי לא בניו זילנד יותר Complaints.com received the following consumer message on October 1, 2002: From: Donna Long [[email protected]] RE: Creation Entertainment and Xena Warrior Princess - fan letters not answered by the stars I have been a Xena Warrior Princess fan for over six years...like all fans I wrote to the stars sending my letters to Creation..I was beginning to get very frustrated not one of my letters were ever answered..I realized they were busy so I didn´t think anything of it..when the show ended I thought hey NOW I can get a auto. WRONG......after sending several hundred letters to Lucy.. I in my last letter stated I was disappointed in her and was quickly losing interest..(wasn´t true but my feelings were hurt) ALL of my letters were addressed to the stars NOT Creation..so why did Creation send me a b/w preprint of Lucy?? easy they were fielding her letters taking out all autograph requests so of course they would know who to send a pp to to pacify ... I was livid..so I got the idea to contact the stars using a different address..so I found email addies for Renee, Hudson, Claire, Kevin, Victoria, Jacqueline...in four monthes I had autographs both personalized and not sent to me from them all...now Lucy proved to be more difficult..I was given a New Zealand address I wrote and BAM three months later I received a personalized color auto. from Lucy.. I was blaming Lucy when in fact it was Creations greed preventing me from getting a signed picture from a beautiful Woman who was totally innocent of any wrong doing....Creation Entertainment does NOT care about the fans all they care about is the almighty $$$..Good God their kits are running at $80..they started out at $30..Lucys autograph sells for between $250 to $2000.. of course they want to keep her autograph signing limited..I just hope Lucys Manager isn´t in on it! I know of several people who wrote her Manager hoping for a signature..The NZ address closed down because Lucy, Rob Julious and Judah moved to LA... Donna
שלוסי עזבה את ניו זילנד סופית לטובת לוס אנגלס? תקראו את המכתב הזה שמצאתי במיוחד בשורות האחרונות שבהן היא נאמר בבירור שלוסי לא בניו זילנד יותר Complaints.com received the following consumer message on October 1, 2002: From: Donna Long [[email protected]] RE: Creation Entertainment and Xena Warrior Princess - fan letters not answered by the stars I have been a Xena Warrior Princess fan for over six years...like all fans I wrote to the stars sending my letters to Creation..I was beginning to get very frustrated not one of my letters were ever answered..I realized they were busy so I didn´t think anything of it..when the show ended I thought hey NOW I can get a auto. WRONG......after sending several hundred letters to Lucy.. I in my last letter stated I was disappointed in her and was quickly losing interest..(wasn´t true but my feelings were hurt) ALL of my letters were addressed to the stars NOT Creation..so why did Creation send me a b/w preprint of Lucy?? easy they were fielding her letters taking out all autograph requests so of course they would know who to send a pp to to pacify ... I was livid..so I got the idea to contact the stars using a different address..so I found email addies for Renee, Hudson, Claire, Kevin, Victoria, Jacqueline...in four monthes I had autographs both personalized and not sent to me from them all...now Lucy proved to be more difficult..I was given a New Zealand address I wrote and BAM three months later I received a personalized color auto. from Lucy.. I was blaming Lucy when in fact it was Creations greed preventing me from getting a signed picture from a beautiful Woman who was totally innocent of any wrong doing....Creation Entertainment does NOT care about the fans all they care about is the almighty $$$..Good God their kits are running at $80..they started out at $30..Lucys autograph sells for between $250 to $2000.. of course they want to keep her autograph signing limited..I just hope Lucys Manager isn´t in on it! I know of several people who wrote her Manager hoping for a signature..The NZ address closed down because Lucy, Rob Julious and Judah moved to LA... Donna