מישל רשמה באתר:


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מישל רשמה באתר:

Hey everyone. I know I haven't posted for a while. I guess you could say I've been a little pre-occupied I'm doing really well, enjoying time off. I know it's been slow around here for all of you. You guys are just gonna have to hang in there. Jess and I recently shot a video for the Santana song "I'm Feeling You" in San Fransisco a few weeks ago. That was fun! No word on when you will all be able to hear/see it though. Rumor has it his album has been pushed back to September. Speaking of albums being pushed back...The Wreckers is also rumored to have a delayed due date. You guys are going to learn about patience, as I have. Maverick wants more time to set it up, so it might come out as late as January or February 2006!!! Sheesh, there goes my romantic idea of not working next year. We'll see what ends up really happening. Only 12 weeks to go before I'm in baby land!! Thanks for all your "Mother's Day" wishes. I feel like I cheated by celebrating it early!! Take care. M


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