Night CVFR.
Hi Guys, I am in NY so write in English. I wrote about this many times. you can see the letter from the Minhal, Engelman. You see the HOKA. it says there that for PPL one MUST fly 3 hours at night!!!! So, all the people that got licencies in the past without the 3 night hours did not have the right to get a licence!!! there are many people like that in Irael!!! that is way the MINHAL is now checking it again, Engelman wrote the letter, and now everyone must do the 3 hours, like it should have been done before!!! so many people in Israel have iligal licencies!!! now, Night CVFR is another rating. (Edoard says it is not a rating because it is not in the list of ratings for pilots in the begining of the HOKA). but 218 calls it HEGDER TISOT, so it is a rating... it says in 218 that you need 15 hours cross country, training of 10 hours and so on... I spoke to Milman (the terible) in the past and he said that all ARKIA pilots, including his dougther the captain Shuli, fly from Atlit to Haifa CVFR iligaly! They need to do a check flight, signed and a letter to be send to the MINHAL. Anyway, now I am in NY, training some Israeli pilots, and all you need is 3 hours at night and then you can fly cross country VFR (not CVFR) over 8/8 of clouds at night. America... I agree with Sagiari that good night training is very important. so in any case do this training. and ofcourse, 3 hours in the CTR is a must to just get your PPL and be legal!!!!! the licence the MIHAL gave to people is an iligal licence...
Shlomo Zelkine 207561-055 sms
[email protected]