מכתב ראשון מקהילה יהודית בויניפג.
יש המון הודעות בזמן האחרון על המכתבים מקהילה,אבל מקריאתן רק התבלבלתי. אני קיבלתי מכתב הזה .אומנם רשום בו שיש זמן המתנה ארוך וצריכים לחכות,אבל גם מבקשים שנמלא טופס (אותו טופס שמדובר עליו בשישור נוסף ואני צירפתי גם לינק אליו ).עכשיו אני לגמרי מבולבלת :לחכות או למלא טופס? עוד מישהו קיבל כזו תגובה? Thank you for your interest in information on immigration to Winnipeg. We are very aware of the great interest there is in immigration to our community, and to Winnipeg. We are currently experiencing a high volume of requests. Please take into consideration that there may be a long waiting period before we will be in a position to check your file. Please send us your telephone number and your home address in order to assure the continuation of our communication. We support applications to immigrate to Winnipeg for some of those who will participate and will be valuable additions to our growing Jewish Community. We have been assisting immigrants during their immigration process for several years. Many families have settled here well and have integrated successfully into our community. We work closely with the government of Manitoba. We offer advice, resettlement services (please check http://www.jcfswinnipeg.org/services_newcomer.html); we facilitate the employment networking. We do not arrange guaranteed employment offers. We do not offer any financial assistance and we do not process any immigration documents. Our community and all of its organizations are willing to welcome you and your family. The application for the Manitoba Nominee Program is available on line. You can find the information at: http://www.immigratemanitoba.com You will note that there are four different priority streams. The first thing is for you determine if you have a chance to qualify for a permanent resident visa under any of the streams including the general stream. You can do this by checking http://www.gov.mb.ca/labour/immigrate/pnp/index.html The Jewish Federation of Winnipeg has been designated as an organization that is able to provide applicants with a Letter of Support, thus enabling them to apply under the Community Support Stream. In order to qualify for this stream, you must meet certain guidelines that have been developed by the Federation. One of the key requirements is that you come here on a visit so that we are able to assess the probability of your successful integration and resettlement. You must be invited by the Federation to come (at a mutually agreed upon time). The invitation to visit is offered to potential immigrants at the sole discretion of the Federation’s Immigration Office. We arrange social visits with Winnipeg families, and some meetings with people who can discuss work in your field as well as with the immigration Officer for the Manitoba Nominee Program. You may also visit the Federal immigration site to see if you would qualify under that program. The Jewish Federation of Winnipeg will assist you in resettlement if you decide to come here to live once you have your permanent resident status. Federal program for skilled independents: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.asp Below, I have provided you with some immigration information that should be helpful. Please contact us again once you have a better indication of your own qualifications for immigration. It is necessary for each adult in the family to complete the self-assessment for the Manitoba Nominee program. Once you believe that you meet the criteria for immigration, please send us the Resumes and self assessments. We will review the information and offer you a realistic appraisal of your qualifications both for the immigration program and of your employability in Winnipeg. It is very important that you look carefully at all of the requirements for options that are available to you: You may also wish to look at: 1. Business Program: Federal http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/business/index.asp 2. Manitoba Nominee Program for Business: http://www.gov.mb.ca/labour/immigrate/pnp/business/index.html If, based on our assessment, you decide to proceed with your plan to immigrate to Manitoba, we will invite you to come on an exploratory visit. We recommend a stay of 7- 10 days so that you can investigate housing, schools, employment opportunities and life in Winnipeg. We will suggest some tentative dates for your visit. Please note that fluency in English is now a key requirement for all of the Priority Streams. We recommend that you look at the following website and the Canadian Language Benchmarks. http://www.gov.mb.ca/labour/immigrate/eal/index.html Once your application has been submitted to the MBPNP, the immigration process will take a minimum of 12 months. You will need sufficient money to support yourself while you are here and until you find your first job. It may take anywhere from 3-6 months for you to obtain employment, depending on your profession and your fluency in English. For information about the cost of living in Winnipeg please consult the Manitoba website. We will be happy to answer your questions as well. You are embarking on an exciting journey...our community is here to help you and encourage you along the way. We look forward to hearing from you soon כזה
יש המון הודעות בזמן האחרון על המכתבים מקהילה,אבל מקריאתן רק התבלבלתי. אני קיבלתי מכתב הזה .אומנם רשום בו שיש זמן המתנה ארוך וצריכים לחכות,אבל גם מבקשים שנמלא טופס (אותו טופס שמדובר עליו בשישור נוסף ואני צירפתי גם לינק אליו ).עכשיו אני לגמרי מבולבלת :לחכות או למלא טופס? עוד מישהו קיבל כזו תגובה? Thank you for your interest in information on immigration to Winnipeg. We are very aware of the great interest there is in immigration to our community, and to Winnipeg. We are currently experiencing a high volume of requests. Please take into consideration that there may be a long waiting period before we will be in a position to check your file. Please send us your telephone number and your home address in order to assure the continuation of our communication. We support applications to immigrate to Winnipeg for some of those who will participate and will be valuable additions to our growing Jewish Community. We have been assisting immigrants during their immigration process for several years. Many families have settled here well and have integrated successfully into our community. We work closely with the government of Manitoba. We offer advice, resettlement services (please check http://www.jcfswinnipeg.org/services_newcomer.html); we facilitate the employment networking. We do not arrange guaranteed employment offers. We do not offer any financial assistance and we do not process any immigration documents. Our community and all of its organizations are willing to welcome you and your family. The application for the Manitoba Nominee Program is available on line. You can find the information at: http://www.immigratemanitoba.com You will note that there are four different priority streams. The first thing is for you determine if you have a chance to qualify for a permanent resident visa under any of the streams including the general stream. You can do this by checking http://www.gov.mb.ca/labour/immigrate/pnp/index.html The Jewish Federation of Winnipeg has been designated as an organization that is able to provide applicants with a Letter of Support, thus enabling them to apply under the Community Support Stream. In order to qualify for this stream, you must meet certain guidelines that have been developed by the Federation. One of the key requirements is that you come here on a visit so that we are able to assess the probability of your successful integration and resettlement. You must be invited by the Federation to come (at a mutually agreed upon time). The invitation to visit is offered to potential immigrants at the sole discretion of the Federation’s Immigration Office. We arrange social visits with Winnipeg families, and some meetings with people who can discuss work in your field as well as with the immigration Officer for the Manitoba Nominee Program. You may also visit the Federal immigration site to see if you would qualify under that program. The Jewish Federation of Winnipeg will assist you in resettlement if you decide to come here to live once you have your permanent resident status. Federal program for skilled independents: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.asp Below, I have provided you with some immigration information that should be helpful. Please contact us again once you have a better indication of your own qualifications for immigration. It is necessary for each adult in the family to complete the self-assessment for the Manitoba Nominee program. Once you believe that you meet the criteria for immigration, please send us the Resumes and self assessments. We will review the information and offer you a realistic appraisal of your qualifications both for the immigration program and of your employability in Winnipeg. It is very important that you look carefully at all of the requirements for options that are available to you: You may also wish to look at: 1. Business Program: Federal http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/business/index.asp 2. Manitoba Nominee Program for Business: http://www.gov.mb.ca/labour/immigrate/pnp/business/index.html If, based on our assessment, you decide to proceed with your plan to immigrate to Manitoba, we will invite you to come on an exploratory visit. We recommend a stay of 7- 10 days so that you can investigate housing, schools, employment opportunities and life in Winnipeg. We will suggest some tentative dates for your visit. Please note that fluency in English is now a key requirement for all of the Priority Streams. We recommend that you look at the following website and the Canadian Language Benchmarks. http://www.gov.mb.ca/labour/immigrate/eal/index.html Once your application has been submitted to the MBPNP, the immigration process will take a minimum of 12 months. You will need sufficient money to support yourself while you are here and until you find your first job. It may take anywhere from 3-6 months for you to obtain employment, depending on your profession and your fluency in English. For information about the cost of living in Winnipeg please consult the Manitoba website. We will be happy to answer your questions as well. You are embarking on an exciting journey...our community is here to help you and encourage you along the way. We look forward to hearing from you soon כזה