מסעות גוליבר כמשל ביקורתי לבית הספר

מסעות גוליבר כמשל ביקורתי לבית הספר

ג'נתן סוויפט כתב את ספרי הסטירה 'מסעות גוליבר' בהם הוא לועג לאנגליה (ואירלנד) של ימיו. יש אומרים שהוא עצמו משול לגוליבר כייון שהיה ענק רוח שאולץ להשתתף בפוליטיקה, לקחת חלק פעיל במתיחות עם אירלנד ובסוף לגלות אליה (מליליפוט שמשולה לאנגיה אל ננופוט שכנתה). על חינוך הילדים בליליפוט הוא כותב בפרק הרביעי: (השבת רעה תחת טובה) Ingratitude is among them a Capital Crime, as we read it to have been in some other Countries; for they reason thus, that whoever makes ill Returns to his Benefactor, must needs be a common Enemy to the rest of Mankind, from whom he has received no Obligation, and therefore such a Man is not fit to live. Their notions relating to the Duties of Parents and Children differ (קיום יחסי מין) extremely from ours. For since the Conjunction of Male and Female is founded upon the great Law of Nature, in order to propagate and continue the Species, the Lilliputians will needs have it, that Men and Women are joined together like other Animals, by the Motives of Concupiscence; and that their Tenderness towards their Young proceeds from the like natural Principle: for which reason they will never allow, that a Child is under any Obligation to his Father for begetting him, or his Mother for bringing him into the World; which, considering the Miseries of human Life, was neither a Benefit in it self, or intended so by his Parents, whose Thoughts in their Love-Encounters were otherwise employ'd. Upon these, and the like Reasonings, their Opinion is, that Parents are the last of all others to be trusted with the Education of their own Children: and therefore they have in every Town publick Nurseries, where all Parents, except Cottagers and Labourers, are obliged to send their Infants of both Sexes to be reared and educated when they come to the Age of twenty Moons, at which time they are supposed to have some Rudiments of Docility. These Schools are of several kinds, suited to different Qualities, and to both Sexes. They have certain Professors well skilled in preparing Children for such a condition of Life as befits the Rank of their Parents, and their own Capacities as well as Inclinations. אגב, אשמח אם מישהו יביא את הנוסח העברי של הציטות.