מעריצי קלי..... תפתחו ערוץ 3


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מעריצי קלי..... תפתחו ערוץ 3

עוד 10 דקות! 15:27 ערוץ3 מופע אם.טי.וי למען אסיה מופע הזדהות מיוחד בהנחיית אלישיה קיז שערכה רשת MTV בבנגקוק כ-6 שבועות לאחר אסון הצונאמי במטרה לגייס תרומות לנפגעים. עם: הובסטנק, קלי קלארקסון, ג`ניפר לופז, גוד שארלוט, סימפל פלאן ואמנים מקומיים. בין ההופעות משולבים קטעי חדשות ששודרו בימי האסון.


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שם המתופף של קלי../images/Emo168.gif

לבש את החולצה של הדג נחש, אם אני לא טועה


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לא ראיתי אותה שם...../images/Emo10.gif

התחלתי לראות ב4 בערך וכנראה שהיא כבר הופיעה...
לא נורא יש לי ת'הופעה על המחשב


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מנצל"שת את עצמי../images/Emo115.gif

משהו שטיילור מהלהקה של קונסטנטין-Pray for the soul of Betty למי שלא יודע כתב בפורום של איידול: 447015.1 I posted this on the GGG thread, but I wanted to publicly post it as well... hey, it's Taylor from Pray for the Soul of Betty to begin, I want to pay my respect to the GGG's - truly admire the effort on Constantine's behalf - he is very lucky to have such a devoted group of fans, I know he appreciates the support immensely... many of you have become Betty fans, and we welcome you all with open arms just to set the record straight on the band's view of recent events and some of the abuse being aimed our way 1. we love and support Constantine in all he does - nothing will ever change that - we are his REAL friends, his brothers 2. we worked w/Constantine for two years to make an album - that's two whole years out of our lives, hours and hours of studio time, riding around the country packed in an old SUV playing gigs, sleeping on hotel room floors, writing songs about our lives, our loves, our friends, new and old - putting any extra $ we had into paying engineers and friends who were helping us, living totally month to month, day to day - living in each other's apts. when we lost our own, buying each other a slice when we had no money(or a drink, when we needed one),etc. - anyone who feels like we are being selfish by releasing the album on a larger scale than just our website should think about what our lives were dedicated to during that whole period. Personally, I am very proud of the music we made, and I am proud to be able to bring it to as many people as possible - nothing can diminish that pride I also happen to believe that Constantine is very proud of our CD - he sacrificed everything to make it Constantine, to me, is more than just a singer, and more that just a "pretty face" - he's an artist, a songwriter, someone who has something to contribute to music on a higher level than just singing other people's songs - he has his own songs... and they are more powerful than any cover he could ever sing, because they came from his spirt again, this is just my opinion as far as AI, I am quite convinced that Constantine wants to be the next American Idol - he is my friend, and knowing this is what he wants, makes me want it for him, I hope he gets there however, that doesn't mean people need to take a negative stance towards another musical endeavor that he is a part of... an original project, that he contributes to in every way, shape, and form anyway, I am a stong believer that beauty is in the eye of the beholder - that's why people's musical tastes vary so dramatically - however, denegrating other's musical preferences shows not only a lack of sensitivity, but a lack of respect. Music is not meant to be mutually exclusive - you can like more than one type - it's not a contest (unlike what AI would like you to believe) it is a joy, meant for everyone Music = Freedom I hope that all the GGGs, all the Bettys, and all the people who believe in Constantine will support Pray for the Soul of Betty and allow us to keep adding joy to his world this CD release will not hurt his chances on Idol at all, once people hear the tunes, get the album, hear his voice on his songs, they will just love him more thanks for reading... Peace and Respect, Taylor
ערוץ 3

בערוץ 3 אתמול היתה הופעה של קלי והיה תנגן שלה אם החולצה של הדג נחש זה היה כזה מצחיק לראות את זה...