משהו שלא זכינו לקרא או יותר נכון


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משהו שלא זכינו לקרא או יותר נכון

לשמוע.... זה היה בראדיו של ניו זילנד ראיון עם מאייקי (כן גם אני בהלם שהוא מדבר בכלל). אז הנה: E=The edge M=Mikey The Edge and Mikey interview. E: Welcome to the show!! M: Thanks, thanks for having me. E: Hows touring with Greenday? Their a huge band. M: It’s incredible, they are a huge band and I looked up to them a lot as a kid so it’s amazing that we are touring with them. E: Is it weird? M: Kinda, It’s flattering to be on tour with them. E: The band is fairly new and you’ve risen to success so fast, how’s that? M: Yeah, we’re lucky, really lucky. E: You actually played bass to be in the band…? M: Yeah, Gerard needed me so I learnt. E: Did you play anything before you joined? M: I played guitar for a while. E: On the official website it says you have had liver damage, broken 3 toes…(goes on to name injuries) and you got into a fight with a wall? Tell us about that. M: *laughs* it’s an inside joke… E: C’mon, tell us! Was the wall getting smart or something? Was it talking back? M: Yeah, it was getting smart to me *laughs* E: Your known for your partying, give us some party stories. M: We don’t really party anymore…we’re over that stage and we’re mellowing down a bit now. E: How old are you? M: 25 E: I’m 25! And you’re mellowing down?! M: Yeah…*nervous laugh* E: So what are you doing over New Years then? Just mellowing out? M: I’m not sure, I’ll probably be spending it with my girlfriend somewhere… E: Where will you be? M: I’m not sure, somewhere in the world *laughs* E: Ok, when people heard we would be ringing you tonight some girls emailed us telling us that they wanted to ask you a few questions. M: Ok E: Here’s the first one. 1st girl: Hello M: Hello! 1st girl: How are you? M: I’m good, yourself? 1st girl: I’m good. What’s the sweetest thing a fan has ever done for you? M: hmmm…A girl in Japan gave me a digital camera. E: What pictures did it have on it? M: It was new. E: Wow M: Yeah E: Ok we have another question here… 2nd girl: Hi Mikey, What’s the weirdest thing a fan has ever done? M: Well…Once these people waited outside my parent’s house with a camera. E: That’s weird! How did they find your parents address?! M: I have no idea, but it was creepy. E: And another one… 3rd girl: Hi, I read that you stuck a fork in a toaster once, what other bad things have you done? M: *laughs* I honestly don’t how that got around, it’s a rumour and someone made it up…The only thing I stick in toasters is bread… 3rd girl: oh…ok. Bye. E: What genre of music would you say that My Chemical Romance is? Punk, Rock, Metal? M: I think that it’s all of them all smashed into one. E: After the break we are going to find out some dodgy stuff about Mikey… *goes to play Helena* E: So your Gerard’s brother M: Mhmm E: We get heaps of emails saying how you don’t look alike at all. M: Yeah, well we don’t look much alike now but when we were younger we looked identical, you could definitely tell we were brothers. E: So you have the same dad then. M: *laughs* I’m definitely a Way… E: Ok…questions. Who scores the most? M: *laughs* Well we all have girlfriends so I would have to say it’s pretty even. E: Have you been arrested? M: A couple of times I think… E: What type of car do you drive? M: A hybrid E: Blondes or brunettes? M: Brunettes, definitely E: What was your first girlfriend’s name? M: Hmm…if I can remember…It was Cindy. E: Favourite My Chemical Romance song? M: Helena. E: Last thing you bought? M: Well today I bought a cup of coffee E: Thing you can’t live without? M: My sidekick E: If you had to amputate a part of your body what would it be? M: A finger, you don’t really need those. E: Or a toe, you don’t really need those either M: Yea, you don’t really need stuff like that. E: Xmas with the family or New Years with the boys? M: umm…Xmas with the family E: Do you know anything about NZ? M: I know, I think that part of lord of the rings was filmed there… E: All of it was. You should see King Kong; it was filmed here as well. M: Oh yeah, I’m going to see that when I get home! E: Being on tour with Greenday… do you have any wild stories? M: uhh…Well Star wars, the third one, they got it shipped over like, a month before it came out and played it on a big screen with us; and they closed down a water park and hired it out for all of us… E: Wow, that’s really cool. M: Yeah. E: Well thanks for talking to us and don’t forget us… M: Thankyou, I definitely won’t forget you guys, we’ll be coming there soon hopefully… E: cool! Well, cya! M: Bye! הוא מספר שם על השם של החברה הראשונה, דבר שהוא לא יכול לחיות בילעדיו ועוד................ראיון נחמד


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הלינק הוא 2 דקות,זה כול מה שכתבת?

הוא מדבר הרבה אם כה XDDDD


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זה מה שהם כתבו בפורום....הורדתי את

זה כבר אבל עדיין לא שמעתי. וכן כנראה הוא מדבר הרבה.......סוף סוף.....


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חח Who scores the most?

חח איזה שאלות:) הם ידועים במסיבות שלהם? חח טוווב וניראה לי שהוא כן יצטרך ת'אצבעות שלו, כי אם לא, הוא די יעוף מMCR:)


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ד"א, פעם הכנסתי סכין לטוסטר חח, וזה

הקפיץ את הפקק של החשמל... למה לעזאזל ממציאים עליהם שמועות טיפשיות כאלו?

sappy song

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תודה על הראיון ../images/Emo3.gif

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