מתקשה בניסוח תרגום של פסקה קצרה, אשמח להצעות
מאמר שמדבר על הקשר שבין אחריות חברתית-תאגידית לבין ספורט:
Sport possesses the power to captivate and unite individuals within communities and create environments for contributing to social capital. Equally, the corporate world can mobilise much-needed resources to be deployed through sport to meet its social responsibilities.
When the two come together in the form of sport corporate social responsibility, it can be pervasive, youth-friendly, health-oriented, socially interactive, environmentally aware, culturally liberating and fun.
Corporate managers and sport managers alike can enhance the economic prospects of their organisations and maximise the social benefits that they deliver to society by better harnessing the power of sport to deliver on social and community objectives

מאמר שמדבר על הקשר שבין אחריות חברתית-תאגידית לבין ספורט:
Sport possesses the power to captivate and unite individuals within communities and create environments for contributing to social capital. Equally, the corporate world can mobilise much-needed resources to be deployed through sport to meet its social responsibilities.
When the two come together in the form of sport corporate social responsibility, it can be pervasive, youth-friendly, health-oriented, socially interactive, environmentally aware, culturally liberating and fun.
Corporate managers and sport managers alike can enhance the economic prospects of their organisations and maximise the social benefits that they deliver to society by better harnessing the power of sport to deliver on social and community objectives