ובכמה מילים
מורפיה זה שינוי, בדרך כלל שינוי צורה. איזו זה בערך יחיד. כלומר הפורום והקומונה זהים (כי יש בהם אותם אנשים)
iso- or is- pref. 1. Equal; uniform: isobar. 2. Isomeric: isopropyl. 3. Characterized by sameness with respect to species: isoantigen. 4. Characterized by sameness with respect to genotype: isograft. morph /mɔrf/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[mawrf] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. Linguistics. a sequence of phonemes constituting a minimal unit of grammar or syntax, and, as such, a representation, member, or contextual variant of a morpheme in a specific environment. Compare allomorph (def. 2). 2. Biology. an individual of one particular form, as a worker ant, in a species that occurs in two or more forms. –verb (used with object) 3. to transform (an image) by computer. –verb (used without object) 4. to be transformed: morphing from a tough negotiator to Mr. Friendly.