סדנת אורח- אלתור במטבח - Raw Food with Thomas


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סדנת אורח- אלתור במטבח - Raw Food with Thomas

שלום, מתארח אצלי תומס - בחור ברזילאי מקסים, עיתונאי, צלם, אמן וטייל, שגם שולח ידו במלאכת הבישול הטבעי. טעים לי ולכן אני מזמינה אתכם לסדנה איתו אצלי בשבת הקרובה, 14.8, בשעות 11-16. אנחנו קונים את המצרכים יחד לפי כמה אנשים מגיעים, ואז מתכנסים בשבת - מכינים יחד ואז אוכלים וחוזר חלילה. זו סדנה שהוא מעביר איפה שמגיע בעולם, נקראת אלתור יצירתי במטבח. היא נערכת במתכונת של תרומה לפי הרגשתכם, מעבר להשתתפות במצרכים. הוא מתאר כאן באנגלית מה מכינים. מי שמעוניין מוזמן לכתוב אלי כי נשארו כמה מקומות: [email protected] שבת הקרובה, 14.8, בשעות 11-16 ליד הים בתל אביב נשמח לראותכם, נועה ותומס. RAW FOOD WORKSHOP Time Saturday · 11:00am - 4:00pm Location Tel Aviv Created By Thomas Paul Bisinger More Info BembOM Creative Improvisation Kitchen presents: RAW FOOD WORKSHOP ISRAEL MENU: -2 types of green juice - nutmilk - nut "cheese" - soup - zuchinni cannelonni - banana ice cream - mango coconut cake - nut pie *we'll also deal with and talk about sprouts. **the recipies can also change according to the interest of the group. Thomas Bisinger:Writer-photographer and Living-RAW-Vegan-Soul Food activist in surrender to the practice of Wholesome Life (in food and all levels) a bit of background: I started my experiments with food in 2002 when I started exploring the outter and inner worlds and began my walk on vegetarianism. Since then I've tried different eating habits with influences of vegetarianism, veganism, raw & living foods, ayurveda, breatharianism and other. For the past few years I´ve been working with cooking in many different contexts: cooking and baking at home and selling to customers by order or in fairs and events; preparing and serving full menu dinners at home, like a home restaurant; head cook for the kitchen of Transformando Pela Pratica, an international contactimprovisation festival (http://transformandopelapratica.blogspot.com/) where I cooked and served full menu (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for 80 people for 10 days; and I´ve given a few workshops of VEGAN and RAW FOOD in Brazil, Ecuador and Norway. I am no expert in cooking or nutrition, what I have is my own life experience and experiments, a lot of pleasure in sharing it and immense love in dealing with these magical beings (food) that serve us. COST: I love to work with spontaneous contribution- each one contributing from the heart. So the only fixed costs are the ingredients which we'll split between all. Regarding WHERE and WHEN: this is not yet set. I'm thinking Tel Aviv and Jerusalem - also kibutz or other places - I'm willing to go pretty much anywhere where there are interested people and a space we can use. So, if you are interested, send me an email ([email protected]) and as soon as we have small group we can organise a one day workshop to (very respectfully) play with food together. “Tembiu Porã, Tembiu Porã, Aguijeveté, Aguijeveté” Guarany Indians song to thank for the food, in all it's dimensions Love and Gratitude Thomas -- Writer-photographer Living-RAW-Vegan-Soul Food activist http://photombisinger.blogspot.com/ A journey of a thousand [miles] begins with a single step. Lao-tzu http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=132964160072421&ref=search