ומשרשרת גם אחד משלי... זה באנגלית אבל ניראה לי שרובכם תיסתדרו עם זה... תגובות תתקבלנה בברכה... There was this boy, once, probably a long time ago, is name was not Tom but since I don’t remember what it was actually, I will call him Tom. Tom had one friend called Tree. Tree was mostly very quiet, sometimes happily singing. A very calm and beautiful titan that used to make Tom feel very protected. He stood right there, on the riverside, part of its roots in the water and most of them in the ground. (That was his way to feed himself, but Tom thought that was is way to feel connected to both sides and to offer him, Tom, the most comfortable seat to nestle in.) Anyway, at that day as the wind blew through Trees leaves and made him softly sing, Tom thought to himself, looking at the river, that it could be really good for him if he could just get in the water and let them flow trough him and take all of his troubles away. That was just a silly thought of course. Tom had this fear of water for he never learned how to swim. For his kind of boys he thought, the only way to survive was to be aware of the water and the danger that lies within it. He thought of how as a human being, he was being created in water, surrounded by them until he was ready to come out and be born, how for the rest of his life he would contain water and still, feel so vulnerable regarding water. He was trying to decide if he could say the same about his past. Then, from within the woods, he heard a soft voice whispering towards him: I could teach you how to swim! Who is it? Asked Tom. Me, Suzanne! Answered Suzanne. Looking up at a branch that straggled above him he saw her, the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, sitting there, smiling at him. Are you a fairy or an angel? Asked Tom. Just like everything else I guess, she said, it depends on the meaning you are giving me. She seemed amused when her soft-feathered wings began to show. She said: you know you supposed to be dead to be able to see an angel... and she softly sang that Leonard Cohen’s song: Now Suzanne takes your hand And she leads you to the river She is wearing rags and feathers From Salvation Army counters And the sun pours down like honey On our lady of the harbour; And she shows you where to look Among the garbage and the flowers There are heroes in the seaweed, There are children in the morning, They are leaning out for love And they will lean that way forever While Suzanne holds the mirror And you want to travel with her And you want to travel blind And you know that you can trust her For she’s touched your perfect body with her mind. You see Tom, said Suzanne, floating on her back beside swimming Tom, Swimming is trusting and swimming is letting go. When you use the water in order to move on, you don’t sink, but when you don’t take that risk by staying outside of it, only watching it from afar, you will never know that simple sweet joy of swimming. She laughed saucily as he splashed the water over her, merrily smiling. The tree looked at his two friends pleased. This little pixie did it again... He really loved her. And Tom, he never looked so free before. A young man, very beautiful and vital was coming out of the water. An afternoon wind softly went trough his hear and fondled his strong body. As he looked up to the colourful sky he noticed a small bird carrying some supple stems in her beak. Time to build a nest, he hummed to himself, Time to create.