ל-FIN. לענבר ועוד


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ספוילר ../images/Emo18.gif ל-FIN. לענבר ועוד

זאת בדיוק הסיבה שכעסתי אחרי שני הפרקים. הקטע לקוח מתוך מאמר מ"ווש". There was no believable reason that Xena had to die in this episode. In fact, a better part of the last half of FRIEND IN NEED II was devoted to the hope that she would be brought back to life, with Gabrielle doing everything in her power to do so. However, it was all for naught. At the last second, Xena tells Gabrielle she cannot come back because... because... nothing! Nothing she said made any kind of sense. The 40,000 souls were freed when she killed the Ghosteater. Akemi even tells her that she was redeemed as were they all. So, why did she have to stay dead? Somehow, she was still responsible because they died supposedly because of her. I do not agree she was responsible but that is not even the bloody point! In a religious/spiritual/moral sense, since when is the "murderer" responsible for the *afterlife* of the people they kill? Xena had done her duty by freeing their souls, redeeming them and herself, according to Akemi, but now she had to pay with her life to make sure they found peace and vengeance? Excuse me, but would that not be based on what each individual had done in their own lives when they were mortals? [16] This exact same situation presented itself in ADVENTURES IN THE SIN TRADE. Xena wiped out a whole Amazon tribe by her own hand, not by an accident. She went to the Land of the Dead, discovered that Alti had trapped all the Amazons and they could not be laid to rest, so Xena decided to help them. Why? Because she was the one who was responsible for their deaths in the first place. Moreover, it was no accident. She killed them all with her own hands. Not only that, she *enjoyed* it so if there was any reason for Xena to pay for her crimes, that was it. ADVENTURES IN THE SIN TRADE at least had a better set up than FRIEND IN NEED because it appeared that Akemi was responsible for the deaths of those 40,000 souls and Xena was merely an accessory to the crime through manipulation. She was set up. [17] In ADVENTURES IN THE SIN TRADE, Xena again entered the Spirit World to defeat Alti and released the souls of the Amazons to go to the Land of the Dead, their afterlife. Now why did she not stay dead then? Because Xena had done her duty and had redeemed herself. Well, almost, the Amazons were still dead. That is not the point. The point is, based on that stupid-ridiculous-last minute-underhanded-out of left field-total cheat of a plot device in FRIEND IN NEED, Xena should have been forced to stay dead in ADVENTURES IN THE SIN TRADE too. There was at least a more solid foundation as to why she was responsible for those Amazon souls. If there had been more of a valid reason in FRIEND IN NEED and it had been played out well, I might have even bought into the concept. Maybe. I still do not agree that the one responsible for your death is also responsible for your soul in the afterlife after you free their soul from a ghosteating monster. That is just ridiculous.


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../images/Emo18.gif והנה הנקודה העיקרית

If you are going to kill off the main heroic character of a long running TV series like Xena, the plot had better be tighter than Gab´s Abs. It was not. It was sloppy, nonsensical, and incoherent with threads left hanging all over the place. For instance, why did Xena trust Akemi about *anything* after the way she manipulated Xena in the past and basically boxed Xena into a corner where the only honorable thing to do was kill her, then take her ashes to be buried where she was confronted by that angry mob. Yes, Xena did start the fire, but she used her fire-breathing skills in *self-defense*. This is even a much different situation than the episode CALLISTO where Xena´s army was *marauding and pillaging* when a fire broke out. However, Xena and her army committed an aggressive act of war that makes her ultimately responsible. [19] That is not what happened in FRIEND IN NEED. It was clearly self-defense when an angry mob attacked an unarmed woman. Akemi was much more responsible for the devastating fire than Xena. She is the one who killed her own father, not Xena. That act of patricide caused the angry mob to attack Xena. Why is Xena responsible for those 40,000 souls for what would be considered "accidental manslaughter" not cold-blooded murder like Akemi? [20] You also have to wonder why that mob was chasing Xena in the first place. If Akemi´s father was so despicable that he wiped out every member of his own family, according to Akemi, and in death he became the monster Ghosteater, does it not stand to reason that in life he was also a monster? He was rich and lived in a palace, so his horrific crimes would most likely have been known by the general populace. So, why were they so angry that Akemi committed patricide? She just killed a despicable man, who no doubt had been terrorizing the common folk, so would she not have been a hero even if it was her own father?
ענבר, את השתגעת???

מה את משאירה הודעות כאלה בטופיק???? בלי ספוילרים בכותרת! יש לך מזל שאני כבר יודע את הספוילר, אחרת בכלל חבל"ז מה היה הולך פה...


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ענבר, אם הגבת להודעה שלי, תכתבי

את התגובה שלך שוב (עם אזהרת ספוילר הפעם) כי לא זכיתי לראות אותה.


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זהירות ספוילר!!!!!! -לניב

קראתי את מה שכתבת ניב וזה ממש מעצבן שהמוות שלה היה לשווא לדעתי רוב ניסה לסיים את הסדרה בפרקי סיום שיזכרו לעד והוא דווקא הצליח אבל הם יזכרו בתור אכזבה גדולה מילא אם המוות שלה היה מוצדק והכתבה מווש מחזקת את הטענה הזאת שהמוות שלה היה די אבסורד ,מיותר ושאפשר היה למנוע זאת אני עכשיו עוד יותר מעוצבנת ומאוכזבת מהפרקים הללו ולא רוצה לראות אותם אבל אולי אני אתרכך ואשנה את דעתי רוב היה צריך להיתאמץ יותר ולתת למעריצים פרק סיום אחר ,יותר טוב ורצוי שיהיה הגיוני ואם כבר להרוג אותה אז שלפחות המוות שלה יהיה תואם לעלילה!!!! זה ממש מזכיר לי את מה שהיה עם סיינפלד (הגעגועים) בפרק הסיום מעכשיו יש לי פרקיסיום פוביה