ספרים חדשים על התעמלות

ספרים חדשים על התעמלות

כל הזמן יוצאים. ספרים טובים. מומלץ ביותר לעיין. הרשו לי להמליץ: Coaching youth gymnastics http://www.infocenters.co.il/wingat...ine>2</><nrsvr>N</><sort>DU</><dispq>z1zכותר: z3zgymnastics, מילולי z1zסוג חומר: z3zספר, מילולי z1zשנה לחיפוש: z3z2011, מילולי z1zמאגרים: z3z קטלוג הספרייה</><query_name>idh-appl1_2696_366718</><quantity>50</><start_entry>1</><num_of_items>3</><query_index>@TI@TY@YS</><thumb>0</><smode>dts</><first_item>1</><book_id>61309</><view>records</><mainimage>multimedia/Images/Coaching%20Youth%20Gymnastics.jpg</><words>gymnastics@@ספר@@2011@@n</>&param2=<search_type>complex</><num_fields>18</><nvf>18</><nor>15</><nvr>2</><nob>0</>&site=wingate ו- Complete guide to primary gymnastics http://www.infocenters.co.il/wingat...ine>2</><nrsvr>N</><sort>DU</><dispq>z1zכותר: z3zgymnastics, מילולי z1zסוג חומר: z3zספר, מילולי z1zשנה לחיפוש: z3z2011, מילולי z1zמאגרים: z3z קטלוג הספרייה</><query_name>idh-appl1_2696_366718</><quantity>50</><start_entry>1</><num_of_items>3</><query_index>@TI@TY@YS</><thumb>0</><smode>dts</><book_id>61369</><view>records</><mainimage>multimedia/Images/Complete%20Guide%20to%20Primary%20Gymnastics.jpg</><words>gymnastics@@ספר@@2011@@n</>&param2=<search_type>complex</><num_fields>18</><nvf>18</><nor>15</><nvr>2</><nob>0</>&site=wingate תהנו!
הספר הראשון

אני רואה שהקישורים לא עובדים. לכן, מצ"ב הספר הראשון סה"כ עותקים 1 עותקים זמינים 1 מספר פריט 61309 מאגר קטלוג הספרייה סוג חומר ספר פריטים דומים סימון מדף ‭F-001 0138‬ פריטים דומים תאגיד ASEP פריטים דומים תאגיד USA Gymnastics פריטים דומים כותר Coaching youth gymnastics פריטים דומים כותר Rookie coaches gymnastics guide פריטים דומים קישור אינטרנט מקום הוצאה Champaign, IL פריטים דומים מוציא לאור Human Kinetics פריטים דומים שנה לועזית 2011 עמודים xiv, 257 pages שפה English פריטים דומים חדש בספרייה 10/2011 פריטים דומים סוג החומר ספר פריטים דומים סגור Book description Coaching Youth Gymnastics covers all the basics of coaching and gymnastics in a concise style that is customized for entry-level gymnastics coaches. Developed by ASEP in cooperation with USA Gymnastics, this one-of-a-kind book offers a unique blend of general coaching and sport-specific ... מידע נוסף Book description Coaching Youth Gymnastics covers all the basics of coaching and gymnastics in a concise style that is customized for entry-level gymnastics coaches. Developed by ASEP in cooperation with USA Gymnastics, this one-of-a-kind book offers a unique blend of general coaching and sport-specific information. The book’s 600-plus photos will help you understand skill technique and decide what skills to teach your athletes. Included are Coaching Tips boxes that highlight key concepts, in addition to information on developing a coaching philosophy, communicating with athletes and parents, and providing basic sport first aid. The latest information regarding concussions and CDC protocols is also addressed. The book contains forms and safety checklists and sample lesson and practice plans to help you stay on task. Techniques and skills for bars, floor, beam, and vault are presented by skill level rather than by age groups and are applicable to both boys and girls where appropriate. Information on falling and landing as well as suggestions on activities, conditioning, and games are provided. The expertise of USA Gymnastics and ASEP’s proven success in coaching education will ensure that you are adequately prepared for the challenges of coaching youth gymnastics. With content aimed at developing the entire coach, not just skills and drills, Coaching Youth Gymnastics will help you to create an environment that promotes learning, enjoyment, safety, and motivation for youth gymnasts. Table Of Contents Welcome to Coaching vi Welcome From USA Gymnastics vii Foreword viii Skill Finder ix 1 Stepping Into Coaching 1 2 Communicating as a Coach 9 3 Understanding Rules, Apparatus, and Equipment 19 4 Providing for Gymnasts' Safety 31 5 Making Practices Fun and Effective 47 6 Teaching and Shaping Skills 61 7 Gymnastics Basics 73 8 Floor Skills 95 9 Vault Skills 135 10 Bar Skills 155 11 Balance Beam Skills 177 12 Coaching on Meet Day 203 13 Developing Season and Practice Plans 215 Appendix 235 Glossary 254 About the Authors 257 סגור נושאים התעמלות ארצות הברית אימון
הספר השני

סה"כ עותקים 1 עותקים זמינים 1 מספר פריט 61369 מאגר קטלוג הספרייה סוג חומר ספר פריטים דומים סימון מדף ‭F-001 0137‬ פריטים דומים מחבר Broomfield, Lindsay 1968- פריטים דומים כותר Complete guide to primary gymnastics פריטים דומים קישור אינטרנט מקום הוצאה Champaign, IL פריטים דומים מוציא לאור Human Kinetics פריטים דומים שנה לועזית c2011 עמודים xx, 124 p. שפה English פריטים דומים הערה Includes bibliographical references (p. 121). פריטים דומים הערה System requirements: Pc compatible with Pentium processor; Windows 2000/XP/Vista; Adobe reader; Microsoft Powerpoint 2003 or higher; 4x CD-ROM drive; Dartviewer software. פריטים דומים הערה + DVD in VLF-001 0137. פריטים דומים חדש בספרייה 10/2011 פריטים דומים סוג החומר ספר פריטים דומים סגור Book Description Many teachers hold the misconception that gymnastics is risky and difficult to teach in primary school settings. But author Lindsay Broomfield, an international gymnastics competitor, senior club coach and gymnastics tutor, lays to rest those misconceptions in Complete Guide to Primary ... מידע נוסף Book Description Many teachers hold the misconception that gymnastics is risky and difficult to teach in primary school settings. But author Lindsay Broomfield, an international gymnastics competitor, senior club coach and gymnastics tutor, lays to rest those misconceptions in Complete Guide to Primary Gymnastics. Noting that gymnastics is accessible to all and straightforward to teach, Lindsay provides clear instruction for primary teachers and club coaches—even those with little or no experience—to teach gymnastics skills. In fact, this book and DVD package covers everything a teacher or coach needs to know and deliver. Its progressive approach that builds on the basics also allows for a smooth transition for pupils entering year 7. Both novice and experienced teachers will find this an invaluable resource offering •step-by-step instruction for teaching gymnastics skills; •a systematic approach that focuses first on the five basic gymnastics shapes (stretch, tuck, star, straddle and pike) and then applies actions to them; •a comprehensive source of creative ideas and themes; •a progressive scheme that builds from year to year; and •a DVD that shows video clips of all the gymnastics shapes and techniques covered in the book. With the video clips, teachers don’t have to worry about being able to perform the shapes and techniques perfectly themselves. They also have access to a complete bank of lesson progressions on the DVD, which covers the entire primary curriculum. Teachers can count on needing less planning time while knowing that the plans are geared to a logical progression scheme and that pupils enjoy the lessons. The DVD also contains an image bank with eye-catching pictures, health and safety guidelines, and set-up diagrams of the apparatus to be used. This comprehensive resource explains how physical development patterns influence learning, provides warm-up and cool-down activities and themed games, details how to teach the shapes and techniques and explains how to incorporate large apparatus and hand apparatus into lessons. All of the games and techniques are accompanied by photos or illustrations. Pupils learn the correct use of gymnastics vocabulary, and they expand their social, leadership and communication skills as they work in small groups. They not only develop foundational skills that will benefit them in any sport they choose, but they also learn about their bodies, develop cognitive skills, and increase their self-confidence and self-esteem as they learn new skills. Complete Guide to Primary Gymnastics will help teachers meet the early learning goals and primary curriculum guidelines for gymnastics. More than that, it makes gymnastics accessible, fun and rewarding for all pupils and teachers. This handy resource is perfect for primary school teachers, coaches and the children they instruct. Contents Preface How to Use This Book and DVD Package DVD Contents Part I: Teaching Primary School Gymnastics Chapter 1. Developing Fundamental Movement Skills Through Gymnastics What Are Fundamental Movement Skills? Physical Development Patterns in Children Body Management Skills Locomotor Skills Object Control Skills Physical Literacy Skills Chapter 2. Ensuring Effective Delivery of Gymnastics in Primary Education Planning for Gymnastics in Primary Education Learning In and Through Gymnastics Implementing the Foundation Stage: Early Learning Goals for Physical Education Implementing National Curriculum : Four Key Aspects of Learning in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Linking Information and Communication Technology With Gymnastics Inclusion and Differentiation Objectives Class Management and Organisation Chapter 3. Using Apparatus in Primary Gymnastics Using Large Apparatus Using Hand Apparatus Impermissible Apparatus for Primary Schools Chapter 4. Attainment and Assessment Foundation Stage Profile for Assessment Key Stage1 and Key Stage 2 Physical Education Attainment Targets: Level Descriptions 1 to 5 Guidelines for Assessing Gymnastics Performances Features of Progressions in Gymnastics from Foundation Stage to KS1 to KS2 Based on the Scheme of Work on the DVD Part II: Gymnastics Warm-Up, Cool-Down, Techniques and Games Chapter 5. Preparing For and Recovering From Physical Activity Preparing For Physical Activity: The Warm-Up Recovering From Physical Activity: The Cool-Down Chapter 6. Basic Gymnastics Shapes Stretch Shape Tuck Shape Star Shape Straddle Shape Pike Shape Chapter 7. Postural Shapes Box Shape Front Support Back Support Arch Shape Dish Shape Chapter 8. Rolling Techniques Stretch Roll Tuck Roll Side Roll Half Roll Straddle Roll Forward Roll Chapter 9. Inversions Bridge Handstand Cartwheel Chapter 10. Partner Work Base and Top: Who Is Who? Scheme of Work Top Postural Shapes Box Base Balances Counterbalances and Countertensions Chapter 11. Themed Games Space Finding Numbers Gymnastics Beans Road Traffic Signs Washing the Clothes Creature Movements Physical Literacy Ideas References About the Author סגור נושאים התעמלות מדריכים
בספרייה בוינגייט

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