עברית עם חלונות 2000

Avi Cohen

New member
עברית עם חלונות 2000

לא מצליח לקרא עברית עם פאלם VX של חברת הראל, ותוכנת חלונות 2000. אודה מאוד למי שיש פתרון. אבי


New member
עברית ב win2000

You`ll need to make a change in the ``Registry``, so you`ll need to run ``RegEdit``. You should be able to click on the Start Button, and select ``Run``, and type ``regedit``. Once you run ``regedit``, you`ll need to open folders to get to the following folder: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes When you open the FontSubstitutes folder, you should see several entries in the folder. Click on ``Edit`` on the Menu Bar, and select ``New`` / ``String Value`` You should now see a new entry under the Name column, and it should say ``New Value #1``. Edit that field, and replace the contents with: Arial,0 Type to accept the value. Double click on the text ``Arial,0``, and a Dialog Box will open up. In the ``Value Data`` field, enter: Arial,177 Click ``Ok`` to accept this value. You should now have a new entry in the FontSubstitutes section, that has a Name of Arial,0 and Data of ``Arial,177``. Now close the ``regedit`` application, and ``reboot`` the computer for this change to take effect. After you reboot, open the Palm Desktop, and see if you see Hebrew properly.