עדכונים להסכם המשתמש של PayPal שייכנס לתוקף ב-29/03/2017
קישור - https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/upcoming-policies-full?locale.x=en
ציטטתי 4 נקודות המופיעות בעדכון (יש נקודות נוספות בקישור). נראה לי שהן רלוונטיות מאוד לקוראי הפורום.
קישור - https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/upcoming-policies-full?locale.x=en
ציטטתי 4 נקודות המופיעות בעדכון (יש נקודות נוספות בקישור). נראה לי שהן רלוונטיות מאוד לקוראי הפורום.
- We’ve updated the “Payment Method Used for My Transaction” section to describe changes that give you more control and choice in how you want to pay. Updates include how to select a preferred payment method, the ability to see and choose from multiple payment methods when you check out on a merchant website, and greater clarity about how Preapproved Payments work and how you can manage them.
- We are changing the currency conversion spread charged when we perform a currency conversion for you from charging an additional 2.5% over the exchange rate set by our bank to charging an additional 3.0% over the exchange rate set by our bank.
- We are changing the standard transaction fee for sellers selling goods or services online to buyers outside the U.S. from 3.9% to 4.4% plus the existing fixed fee based on the currency.
- We are adding the ability to create a negative balance in your PayPal account when we reverse a payment to cover eBay buyer protection claims that the seller loses.