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קצר, וקצת מצחיק. title - Frank's Corvette Author - StoodTallAndYelled** טוב אז הנה: One very hot day... Frank:Hey, do you guys wanna go to the mall or something? I'm bored as hell. Mcr: Sure Outside Frank's house........ Gerard: Oh my god look! A big scaryass monster in Frankie's driveway! IT'LL EAT US!!! Ray: Dude, I think that's his car! Frank:No no, of course not, hahaha. THAT is my car. *Points to a red Corvette parked on the street* Mikey: AHAHAA! That is NOT your car, Frankie. You can't afford that. Frank: Oh, then why do I have the keys to it? *Holds up keys* *Everyone Looks* Bob: What the hell Mikey, his hair is so soft and shiny and manageable...*twinkly eyes* Frank: FORGET MY MANAGEABLE HAIR!! LET'S GO! Gerard: You stole my dream car, I'm so pissed! Frank: Yeah well, you can still kick my ass at singing, Gee. Gerard: True.. Frank: What do you mean, true? I was kidding! I'm so much better! Gerard: Pff, bullsh!t. Frank: *sings* I'M NOT OKAAAY..YOU WEAR ME SNOUT.... Gerard: It's "Wear me out" , stupid. Frank: Fine then, smarty shorts. Gerard: It's smarty "pants". Frank: Just SHUT UP!! *Everyone gets into Frank's Car* Frank: Okaay, let's go. *Car makes a low farting noise and starts moving slowly* Mikey: Frank, I think your car is kinda f*cked up. Frank: NOT MY CORVETTE! OH SUGAR, YOU CAN'T! YOU CAN'T! *All Of A Sudden, Xzibit Comes Out Of Nowhere* Xzibit: HEY MAN, DO YOU WANT YOUR RIDE PIMPED? CUZ TODAY WE ARE GIVIN OUT FREE-YES-I SAID IT-FREE PIMP OFFERS!! Ray: *His Confused expression* Who are you? Xzibit: Don't you watch Pimp My Ride? Ray: We're a successful band, we don't have that much time to watch potatoes. I mean, not enough time to watch T.V. Xzibit: Can I have potatoes? Ray: Sure. 10 minutes of silence...... Xzibit: So where are those potatoes? Ray: I thought you had 'em. Xzibit: WHATEVER! Do you want your ride pimped? Gerard: *Pukes* Awww, sorry Frankie, it comes and it goes... Frank: WHAT-MY CAR!! YOU GOT PUKE ON MY BABY!! Bob: We're in a baby? Oh my god, we're so sick! Let's go find a car. Frank: It's a figure of speech...Gerard, I'll get you!! Gerard: Umm....*Runs down the street out of sight* Mikey: What the hell Frank, you scared him away! Frank: Whoopsie Rosie. Mikey: It's whoopsie "daisy". Frank: ROSES ARE BETTER, SHUT UP! Xzibit: I've always liked PONIES! Bob: Wtf? Ponies aren't a flower. Xzibit: But they're PRETTY!! *Puts on a creepy smile* Everyone: *Looks at eachother* Frank: *Turns to everyone* Psst..let's just drive away. *Slowly but surely Frank's Crappy Corv drives away from X.... 2 b cont'd I know. Randomness
K...חחח מצחיק ביותר../images/Emo58.gif

אויש איך שהזה מפימפ מיי רייד בא ולא קשור לשום דבר... חחחח מאיפה הפיק הזה?


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מהפורום הרישמי....וכשאני קראתי את

זה גם אני חשבתי על כממה XZIBIT לא קשור


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לא הכי אהבתי. \= ../images/Emo187.gif

היא כותבת מצחיק, אבל הפיק עצמו משעמם.


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