פרק 1../images/Emo113.gif
It was about 5 am when a young in appearance boy with white, spiky, currently quite messy hair woke up to the pain of another crushed and ready for replacement alarm clock, with all it's sharp insides trying to pierce his hand as revenge. It's not that he needed the alarm to wake up, god no, it's just that it was a habit of his, playing 'Lets Try And Break The Alarm Clock along With Our Bare Hands' game first thing in the morning. After, he'd go to that special place, that special place where only the very elite, mostly captains and vices, were allowed, at this time almost completely guaranteeing him some lovely, well deserved peace and quiet. That special place is called 'Relaxing heights', a strange name, undeniably, but still a great place; it had everything from hot springs to specially made Italian marbled toilets, the very best chefs, and Hitsugaya's favorite a fantastic library whose books you were allowed to take with you and read while enjoying a bath in the hot springs. Planning to do just that, the boy tidied up his rumpled hair and began walking towards that oasis of his. He enjoyed the walk; it was nice and quiet as only the unfortunate who had night sifts and maybe some hard working troops were usually up at this time of day, apart from Toshirou. He had been thinking of all kinds of typical walk thoughts (you know, the ones when you just begin pondering about life and its meaning, stuff like that.) and humming random pieces of tunes he had heard over the last couple of years or so, as he stumbled to a halt in front of his sacred haven. It had all these construction workers all around it, seemed as though they were preparing for a long job, and there was a sign, a horrible, horrible sign on which the following was written: 'Renovating, the site will be fully operational again in approximately two weeks from today, October 4th. We apologize for the inconvenience.' and that is how this young looking, white haired captain of ours, came to see the next two weeks of his after-life as a complete nightmare, and, of course, when one predicts predicaments on one's self, one will unconsciously do everything in the exact way which would help fulfill one's predictions.