Just a Kid 3
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פרק יומי - יום ראשון.
שם הפרק:"Parents"
תקציר הפרק:
שחקני אוחר:
Alan Thicke (as Ed Palmer)
Jane A. Rogers (as Serena)
Krystee Clark (as Ashley)
Caroline Aaron (as Sally Palmer)
Jessica Biel (as Mary Camden)
כשאנני במטבח מכינה קפה לאריק ולאבא של רובי, אנני עוזבת את החדר בלי הקפה, אבל כשהיא נכנסת לסלון יש לה קפה...
איך מאט היה יכול לחשוב שרותי תתן לאנני ערכת איפור שנראתה כמו משהו לילדה בת 14 עם כל הצבעים האלה?
ג'ון המילטון (צ'אז לאמאר שפרד) לא מופיע בבפרק הזה.
הפעם הראשונה שהפרק הזה שודר הוא הרוויח 8 מיליון צופים.
Alan Thicke מהסידרה Growing Pains מופיע בתפקיד אורח מיוחד בפרק הזה בתור אביו של רובי, אד פאלמר.
בגרמניה הפרק הזה ידוע כדפי צללים, מתורגם. אתם מוזמנים לשרשר לפה את דעתכם על הפרק.
Robbie is ecstatic when his long-lost father (guest-star Alan Thicke) who is a dead-beat dad appears out of the blue. Although, Eric and Annie distrust the dead-beat dad's motives. He also convinces Robbie to move out with him; against Eric's wishes. Meanwhile, Ruthie turns to Mary for advice on how to get around their parents rules when wanting to buy a makeup kit that they said 'no' to. Also, a very convinced Annie worries when Lucy starts having a relationship with her friend's freewheeling "unmotherlike" mom. Also, Simon develops a bad attitude with his mother when not wanting to do his school work, but wants to hang out with his friends.
Ed to Annie: "Did you have to go to Columbia for that coffee?"- Haha Annie to Lucy: "You know, you're going to be graduating soon and you'll be off in college and I won't be there to make these decisions for you, should you, shouldn't you go here or there? So I think maybe it's time you start making your own decisions. If you want to go to the party tonight, go." Lucy to Annie: "If it's my decision I'm going." Simon to Annie: "I hope you're happy because you just completely humiliated me in front of my friends." Annie to Simon: "I want to read your paper." Simon to Annie: "I'm not finished!" Annie to Simon: "You need to finish it." Simon to Annie: "You know, I don't like you very much right now." Annie to Simon: "Well, the feelings mutual. So I suggest you go upstairs and finish your paper, change your attitude or the next time you leave this house, it will be for your high school graduation." Eric to Annie: "Robbie can't move in with Ed." Annie to Eric: "I know." Eric to Annie: "Robbie's mother called from Florida and..." Annie to Eric: "... Ed is no good. Well, that's old news, we knew that the second we met him." Eric to Annie: "Well, the trick is convincing Robbie, not us." Annie to Eric: "When did Robbie become one of our children?" Eric to Annie: "I'm not sure, but he is. And I just can't stand around and let Ed ruin his life." Ed to Eric: "You're not his father." Eric to Ed: "Neither are you." Eric to Ed: "Robbie may not be my son, but he is a part of this family and this is that best place for him. And he knows that, but he loves you or the idea of you. ... Robbie's welfare means a lot to me.... I love him." Serena to Annie: "You know, just because you bake cookies and make lunches and drive a carpool doesn't make you a better mother. I'm a good mother too!" Annie to Serena: "This isn't about us, this is about you and your daughter. This is about you growing up and acting your age. It's about being an adult so she can be a child. It's called parenthood and it has nothing to do with cookies and everything to do with children. Helping them find their way, putting their needs first. How is you daughter supposed to learn how to be a mother if you won't be a mother to her?" Annie to Lucy: "You welcome." Lucy to Annie: "How did you know I was going to say 'thank you'?" Annie to Lucy: "I'm you mother, a mother knows."