צ'אד סמית מדבר על האלבום החדש!!!

צ'אד סמית מדבר על האלבום החדש!!!

צ'אד סמית התראיין לאתר בילבורד ודיבר בין השאר על מה הולך להיות באלבום החדש של רד הוט!!!

זה מה שהוא אמר:

"It's only been a couple of months, so we're just starting to write and get in the groove of things," drummer Chad Smith tells Billboard. "This is my favorite time, being creative, coming up with ideas. You go there at 11 o'clock with something that wasn't a piece of music, everyone collaborates on something, three hours later you've got something that's a piece of music that wasn't there before."

"We're always trying to change and grow and do new stuff. So we don't make the record that we made three years ago, we're gonna make something different. And you never know what that is going to be," he says. "And I'm already hearing stuff that I know people are gonna be like, 'Oh, that's something different that I haven't heard them do before.' It's gonna sound like us, but it's gonna be different."

לראיון המלא: http://www.billboard.com/articles/n...pers-album-beth-hart?mobile_redirection=false


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