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בזמן שבדקתי דואר נתקלתי במשהו ממש נורא....אני מצטערת שאני לא תרגמתי את זה(אין זמן...): PAGAN FATHER DESPERATELY NEEDS HELP!!!! PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY, ASAP!!!! On May 13, 2003 a travesty and modern day witch trial occurred in a United States Court Room, of Houma Louisiana. A father went to court to obtain custody of his daughter, after he learned the child was being abused, her mother was using and selling drugs, and a multitude of other PROVEN atrocities. The Father, armed with witnesses (also Pagan) and stacks of PROOF, entered into the courtroom, confident the TRUTH would free his 7 year old daughter, from her abuse. Unbeknownst to him, his ex wife, who had also been pagan, and High Priestess of their jointly run coven, during the entire course of their marriage and relationship, decided to use Religion as a weapon against him. This woman, told the court, she was brainwashed, lead astray, and forced into Paganism (along with forced into doing a death ritual, that SHE lead on March 1, 2003, to kill her husband)!! She claimed she learned the error of her ways, repented and was now a Catholic as of Easter 2003!!! On the stand, she ADMITTED to the DRUG USE, ABUSE, LIEING (including PERJURY during a previous hearing), and even the fact that she denied visitation to the father for nearly 2 years!!!! Sounds like an open and shut case, correct?? WRONG!! The day turned into a circus event and witch trial!! She claimed the "evil witches" were trying to take her baby from her!! Her lawyer AND the JUDGE did not care what she ADMITTED, or that she had committed Perjury and contempt of court, she was now "saved," which guaranteed her victory in court!! EVERY witness was drilled completely about their RELIGION (myself -Alicia- included). I was asked what was my religion, and to explain every detail. When I asked what that had to do with the REAL reason I was there, and asked the fathers Lawyer if I had to answer the question, the JUDGE yelled at me telling me NOT to look at the lawyer, to look at HIM (the judge) and ANSWER the question, which was a VIOLATION of my FIRST & FIFTH Amendment RIGHTS!!!!! I was asked if I believed in the Judea Christian God and Jesus Christ!!!! I was asked how long I had been pagan, and who the goddess of love was, and if I fell in love with a man, and wanted to "get with" him, would I use Her to do it!!!! This is only a FEW of the questions asked of me, EVERY other witness, AND the FATHER!!! THIS CAN NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN!!! WE DESPERATELY NEED YOUR HELP!!!! We have contacted the ACLU, and expect their help, along with W.A.R.D. (who has already agreed to help), however, the Father DOES still have to hire his own lawyer to appeal the custody decision (his lawyer that was there, has dropped the case). There is a very short time limit for him to file the appeal. He is already working 2 jobs to be able to make ends meet and pay his child support. It will be impossible for him to raise the money needed for an attorney, court fees, etc., in time. So we need YOUR help!!! If enough people could simply spare $5.00, and send it for the Legal Trust Fund, ASAP, we can get the ball rolling to fight this HORRIBLE injustice, and save a little girl!!!!! WE fear for this child's life and future!!! She is a BEAUTIFUL and loving little girl, who does not deserve to live in her current situation and be abused!! Please also ask your friends and family to help!! $5.00 is NOT too much to ask, as most of us spend at least that for lunch every day on our lunch breaks!! If you (or they) can't spare $5.00, anything and everything, every dime would help!! Also, if anyone knows any PAGAN FRIENDLY Attorney(s), who practice in the State of Louisiana, please forward that information as well. Attached are 2 photos of the child, that show a burn mark, and a bruise (from the arm being tightly held to burn her). These pictures are proof alone that she needs to be REMOVED from her current environment!! Again, any help you can provide is GREATLY appreciated!! PLEASE send this flier to every one you know AND every pagan type group you are a member!! The addresses to send funds to are: Jasmine's Legal Trust Fund c/o Rev. Alicia Kraemer 13288 Point Vieillard Rd Vacherie, La 70090 OR c/o Tracy Weidman 719 Alix St New Orleans, La 70114 As soon as enough has been collected, to open an account, the address to send funds DIRECTLY to the Bank will be added. For further information on this case, you are welcome to Join the WARDLA, and/or Stand Up Speak Out Yahoo group. <A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/STANDUP_SPEAKOUT/join">http://grou ps.yah oo.com/group/STANDUP_SPEAKOUT/join</A> <A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WARDLA/join">http://groups.yahoo.c om/gro up/WARDLA/join</A> Once again, any and all help, including prayers and energy, will be GREATLY appreciated!!
בזמן שבדקתי דואר נתקלתי במשהו ממש נורא....אני מצטערת שאני לא תרגמתי את זה(אין זמן...): PAGAN FATHER DESPERATELY NEEDS HELP!!!! PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY, ASAP!!!! On May 13, 2003 a travesty and modern day witch trial occurred in a United States Court Room, of Houma Louisiana. A father went to court to obtain custody of his daughter, after he learned the child was being abused, her mother was using and selling drugs, and a multitude of other PROVEN atrocities. The Father, armed with witnesses (also Pagan) and stacks of PROOF, entered into the courtroom, confident the TRUTH would free his 7 year old daughter, from her abuse. Unbeknownst to him, his ex wife, who had also been pagan, and High Priestess of their jointly run coven, during the entire course of their marriage and relationship, decided to use Religion as a weapon against him. This woman, told the court, she was brainwashed, lead astray, and forced into Paganism (along with forced into doing a death ritual, that SHE lead on March 1, 2003, to kill her husband)!! She claimed she learned the error of her ways, repented and was now a Catholic as of Easter 2003!!! On the stand, she ADMITTED to the DRUG USE, ABUSE, LIEING (including PERJURY during a previous hearing), and even the fact that she denied visitation to the father for nearly 2 years!!!! Sounds like an open and shut case, correct?? WRONG!! The day turned into a circus event and witch trial!! She claimed the "evil witches" were trying to take her baby from her!! Her lawyer AND the JUDGE did not care what she ADMITTED, or that she had committed Perjury and contempt of court, she was now "saved," which guaranteed her victory in court!! EVERY witness was drilled completely about their RELIGION (myself -Alicia- included). I was asked what was my religion, and to explain every detail. When I asked what that had to do with the REAL reason I was there, and asked the fathers Lawyer if I had to answer the question, the JUDGE yelled at me telling me NOT to look at the lawyer, to look at HIM (the judge) and ANSWER the question, which was a VIOLATION of my FIRST & FIFTH Amendment RIGHTS!!!!! I was asked if I believed in the Judea Christian God and Jesus Christ!!!! I was asked how long I had been pagan, and who the goddess of love was, and if I fell in love with a man, and wanted to "get with" him, would I use Her to do it!!!! This is only a FEW of the questions asked of me, EVERY other witness, AND the FATHER!!! THIS CAN NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN!!! WE DESPERATELY NEED YOUR HELP!!!! We have contacted the ACLU, and expect their help, along with W.A.R.D. (who has already agreed to help), however, the Father DOES still have to hire his own lawyer to appeal the custody decision (his lawyer that was there, has dropped the case). There is a very short time limit for him to file the appeal. He is already working 2 jobs to be able to make ends meet and pay his child support. It will be impossible for him to raise the money needed for an attorney, court fees, etc., in time. So we need YOUR help!!! If enough people could simply spare $5.00, and send it for the Legal Trust Fund, ASAP, we can get the ball rolling to fight this HORRIBLE injustice, and save a little girl!!!!! WE fear for this child's life and future!!! She is a BEAUTIFUL and loving little girl, who does not deserve to live in her current situation and be abused!! Please also ask your friends and family to help!! $5.00 is NOT too much to ask, as most of us spend at least that for lunch every day on our lunch breaks!! If you (or they) can't spare $5.00, anything and everything, every dime would help!! Also, if anyone knows any PAGAN FRIENDLY Attorney(s), who practice in the State of Louisiana, please forward that information as well. Attached are 2 photos of the child, that show a burn mark, and a bruise (from the arm being tightly held to burn her). These pictures are proof alone that she needs to be REMOVED from her current environment!! Again, any help you can provide is GREATLY appreciated!! PLEASE send this flier to every one you know AND every pagan type group you are a member!! The addresses to send funds to are: Jasmine's Legal Trust Fund c/o Rev. Alicia Kraemer 13288 Point Vieillard Rd Vacherie, La 70090 OR c/o Tracy Weidman 719 Alix St New Orleans, La 70114 As soon as enough has been collected, to open an account, the address to send funds DIRECTLY to the Bank will be added. For further information on this case, you are welcome to Join the WARDLA, and/or Stand Up Speak Out Yahoo group. <A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/STANDUP_SPEAKOUT/join">http://grou ps.yah oo.com/group/STANDUP_SPEAKOUT/join</A> <A HREF="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WARDLA/join">http://groups.yahoo.c om/gro up/WARDLA/join</A> Once again, any and all help, including prayers and energy, will be GREATLY appreciated!!