אתה קורא את מה שאתה מביא אלינו?
או שאתה קורא רק את הכותרות? תנסה לקרוא ואז להביא את זה. יש את החלק בו נרשם שזה נעשה על ידי פוטושופ, רק שדברים מהסוג הזה לא נעשים על ידי פוטושופ וכמובן שאתה קונה את זה, וזה חבל בשבילך. August 29, in Beijing) I reached Mr. Lee San, BMW Marketing Director, in his Beijing office. He said about three weeks ago one of his colleagues, Vega Xie, Senior Manager of China's E-Marketing, had produced a video with a combination of PhotoShop and clearing a swath of dirt and rock somewhere, but he did not know where. (See last image in concocted ad campaign “news story” below.) The video was designed to “go viral” on the web to make a mysterious advertising campaign. ואז כמובן יש את ההסבר של האדם שכותב שהוא ראה במו עיניו את האדמה. Even now, I am still in shock them, because the sight, indeed cannot express in words, I said slowly, try to describe the scene yesterday afternoon to see clearly. Yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock, we have a pedestrian along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway to the alien ruins Delhi travel, did not intend to go there, but the driver said the master worth a visit, particularly a sensation 30 years ago, the local is also very famous, like with all here, and decided to drive about Po, on the site of more than 100 kilometers from Delhi office and suddenly see the road next to a dry salt beach vague some strange patterns, like circles and straight lines consisting of a strange shape. Accompanied by a friend shouted, ‘You see what is left?’ After looking over there, really really scared! A huge circular pattern on this piece of saline-alkali land in the distance, we then see the graphic height should be the best point of view, overlooking the entire graphic, maybe you think it will be crops, but when we went into after the more terrible thing happened. Curious come to walk from the center of Salt Flats. Approached to see the floor pattern, very quite regular, straight lines form the perfect circle and the diameter of a rough estimate of 1-2 km. As the land is very dry, crack turtle is obvious. Meanwhile, the ground pattern edge are very clear, seems to just formed soon. אני הייתי בטוח שאתה יודע אנגלית.. אם זה קשה לך, ספר לנו וננסה לעזור.