ציטוטים מובחרים

Orush the Best

New member
ציטוטים מובחרים../images/Emo17.gif../images/Emo40.gif../images/Emo70.gif../images/Emo70.gif

קצת להפעיל פה
בקיצור שימו פה כלמני ציטוטים מהסדרה של כל מני דמויות, כל מני משפטי מחץ כאלה או משפטי מצחיקים.. סומכת עלייכם..
יאלה בואו נפעיל

Orush the Best

New member

Katherine: The three of us together, just like old times .The brother who loved me too much and the one that didn't love me enough Damon: And the evil slut vampire who only loved herself

Orush the Best

New member

Stefan: You know, I liked you better when you hated everybody .Damon: Oh I still do, I just love that they love me

Orush the Best

New member

ישן כזה
"Some girls just can't resist my good looks, my style, my charmand... my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift" של דיימון


New member

לקסי: "הכול מוגבר כשאתה ערפד,כשאנחנו פגועים,אנחנו פגועים מאוד, אבל כשאנחנו אוהבים..."
דיימון: "קתרין, יש שישה חדרי שינה אחרים בבית הזה,לכי תבחרי לך אחד." (זה הרגע שבו התחלתי לחבב את דיימון..:] )

Orush the Best

New member

Damon Salvatore: I just have to say something. Elena Gilbert: Why do you have to say it with my necklace? Damon Salvatore: Because what I'm about to say is... probably the most selfish thing I've ever said in my life. Elena Gilbert: Damon. Don't go there. Damon Salvatore: I just have to say it once. You just need to hear it. I love you Elena. And it's because I love you that... I can't be selfish with you. And why you can't know this. I don't deserve you... but my brother does. [Kisses her on her forehead] Damon Salvatore: God, I wish you didn't have to forget this... but you do. [Compells her]

Orush the Best

New member

Damon Salvatore: Let me be clear about something. If it comes down to you and the witch again, I will gladly let Bonnie die. I will always choose you

Ice margarita

New member
אחד שכבר רשמתי פעם (אבל עדיין מצחיק אותי...)

Elena: Where's Damon? Stephan: Somewhere inflicting misery
לדיימון יש כ"כ הרבה ../images/Emo6.gif

?Damon: why are you so mean to me .Laxi: ah, have you met you? you are not a nice person ...Logen:...I can't stop killing people, I keep killig! I'm complicated !...Damon: welcome to the club ?John: I think we will be a good team, don't you think Damon .Damon: John, whatever I'll do to keep this town safe even it means spending time with you יש לו עוד טונות אבל אין לי כוח לחפש ><" אוסיף אח"כ D: