ציטוטים מתורגמים...
נתחיל בישראלי (באנגלית) 1. i would ask you to drive me but i dont have a licence 2. when we are sad we go to the sea this is why the sea is salt 3. driving in a taxi dont know the adress 4. still your smell is on me from yesterday 5. now he needs to wiat untill everyone will beat him up 6. be like i need and dont give me any rest 7. untill when we will think of shachtot drinks fucks untill the end 8. and i'm getting confused and falls. ahhh ahhh ahhh. טוב זהו רק ישראלי הפעם
נתחיל בישראלי (באנגלית) 1. i would ask you to drive me but i dont have a licence 2. when we are sad we go to the sea this is why the sea is salt 3. driving in a taxi dont know the adress 4. still your smell is on me from yesterday 5. now he needs to wiat untill everyone will beat him up 6. be like i need and dont give me any rest 7. untill when we will think of shachtot drinks fucks untill the end 8. and i'm getting confused and falls. ahhh ahhh ahhh. טוב זהו רק ישראלי הפעם