צעירים וחמודים יחדיו


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../images/Emo66.gifהציטוט שדיברנו עליו

Mulder: I was told once that the best way to regenerate body heat was to crawl naked into a sleeping bag with somebody else who's already naked. Scully: Well, maybe if it rains sleeping bags, you'll get lucky. (Detour)


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את החולצה של דיויד. הכפתור של החולצה פתוח...חחחחח וג'יליאן נראית כאילו היא רוצה להיות במקום אחר. למרות שאם אני הייתי ליד דיויד הייתי רוצה להשאר. יאללה....צריכה לללכת לעבודה.


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סרט מצוייר

מצאתי את זה בפורום של תיקים באפילה. צריך ללחוץ על הplay זה בספרדית וזה מה שהיא מספרת על הקליפ הקצר http://charges.globo.com/vercharge.asp?idcharge=273 Just to explain the situation .. the woman in the cartoon is a popular singer here in Brazil and she is very famous because she is very mystic and by the time this cartoon was made, I guess, she had just said in a interview to a very important magazine here that she had close encounters with aliens or something like that. And in this cartoon she is talking with two famous FBI agents that they just caught the wrong person.. The guy is also a famous singer ( who happens to be her cousin in real life).. and she is explaining to them that he is not an ET.. they are kind of kidding with the fact that he is not a good exemple of beauty and he is as mystic as her..ם