קווין סמית´ נפטר. אני חוזרת - נפטר.


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קווין סמית´ נפטר. אני חוזרת - נפטר.

אנשים יקרים, אני לא ממש יודעת איך להגיד את זה - המילים כתובות, אבל המשמעות עדיין לא נתפסת. לפני דקות מספר נודע לי כי קווין סמית´ נפטר בבית החולים בסין בו היה מאושפז. אין לי הרבה מה להגיד כרגע. מה שלא אומר לא יעביר את התחושה. הידיים רועדות לי כרגע וגם העיניים לא רואות עכשיו הכי טוב. זהו, נגמר. מקור הידיעה באתר של העיתון NZ Herald - אני מפרסמת פה אותה כלשונה ואת הלינק. Actor Kevin Smith dies after fall in China 16.02.2002 Leading New Zealand actor Kevin Smith has died in a Beijing hospital after he was critically injured in a fall. His agent, Robert Bruce, confirmed that the 38-year-old actor had died. "I received a call from Kevin´s family to say that he passed away in his sleep. "It´s a shock to us all, and a major shock to the family. They´re just trying to come to terms with it all." Mr Bruce could provide no further details. Auckland-based Smith was injured in the Chinese capital 10 days ago and doctors treating him were concerned that he would not recover from serious injuries. The accident occurred on February 6, the day after the actor finished work on a joint US-Chinese production, and as he was preparing to return to NZ. The hunky local star was then to have headed to movie "boot camp" to prepare for what many believed would be his big break, a role in a Hollywood blockbuster starring Bruce Willis. The doctor treating Smith told the Herald last night that staff from China´s top movie production house, Beijing Film Studio, rushed him to the Beijing Union Hospital after the fall. Smith was believed to have been on a life-support machine before his death. The doctor, who did not wish to be named, said Smith had suffered a severe injury to his skull and had been in a critical condition. Acting sources have said he was injured when he fell from a great height, possibly six storeys. Li Hao, a spokeswoman for one of the companies involved in Warriors of Virtue II, said Smith, who had completed his film contract the day before the fall, had made a big impression. Smith´s wife, Suzanne, and his parents, Geoff and Yvonne, are understood to have been with him. In addition to his wife, Mr Smith leaves his three children, Oscar, 11, Tyrone, 9, and Willard, 3. Mr Bruce said last night that the actor´s family wanted to thank everyone who had sent messages of love and support. Smith starred in many New Zealand stage, television and feature films and is perhaps best known for his role as Ares in Xena: Warrior Princess. His ambitions to break into the American movie market were realised when he scored a role in the $US70 million ($166 million) Bruce Willis action film Man of War, due to start filming in Hawaii next month. He had leaped at the chance to go to China because the role allowed him to learn from the stuntman who worked on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Smith, Auckland-born but Timaru-raised, got into acting when his wife and childhood sweetheart saw a casting call while he was sidelined by concussion during the rugby season. He was soon a leading man, happy to laugh at his beefcake image. "A nicer guy you wouldn´t find anywhere," said friend and Comedian Mike King. - STAFF REPORTERS


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זה באמת לא נתפס!!../images/Emo12.gif


ares chosen

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RIP - we will always love you...

Whether it happens in a hundred years or a thousand years or a million years, eventually our Sun will grow cold and go out. When that happens, it won´t just take us. It´ll take Marilyn Monroe and Lao-Tzu, Einstein, Morobutu, Buddy Holly, Aristophanes...and all of this...all of this was for nothing unless we go to the stars. (Babylon 5)


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מוקדש לקווין -שיר שפורסם בפורום אחר

Without Me... When tomorrow starts without me, And I´m not there to see, If the sun should rise and find your eyes All filled with tears for me; I wish so much you wouldn´t cry The way you did today, While thinking of the many things, We didn´t get to say. I know how much you love me, As much as I love you, And each time that you think of me, I know you´ll miss me too; But when tomorrow starts without me, Please try to understand, That an angel came and called my name, And took me by the hand, And said my place was ready, In heaven far above, And that I´d have to leave behind All those I dearly love. But as I turned to walk away, A tear fell from my eye For all my life, I´d always thought, I didn´t want to die. I had so much to live for, So much left yet to do, It seemed almost impossible, That I was leaving you. I thought of all the yesterdays, The good ones and the sad, I thought of all the love we shared, And all the fun we had. If I could relive yesterday, Just even for a while, I´d say good-bye and kiss you And maybe see you smile. But then I fully realized, That this could never be, For emptiness and memories, Would take the place of me. And when I thought of worldly things, I might miss come tomorrow, I thought of you, and when I did, My heart was filled with sorrow. But when I walked through heaven´s gates, I felt so much at home. When God looked down and smiled at me, From His great golden throne, He said, "This is eternity, And all I have promised you." Today your life on earth is past, But here life starts anew. I promise no tomorrow, But today will always last, And since each day´s the same way There´s no longing for the past. You have been so faithful, So trusting and so true. Though there were times You did some things You knew you shouldn´t do. But you have been forgiven And now at last you´re free. So won´t you come and take my hand And share my life with me? So when tomorrow starts without me, Don´t think we´re far apart, For every time you think of me, I´m right here, in your heart. David M. Romano ©

Dafi the Mighty

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זה נורא...

כל כך נורא, אני לא יודעת אם אני אוכל להסתכל עליו בסידרה אותו דבר. המחשבה שהוא כבר לא חי. אני חייבת ללמוד למבחן מחר ואני לא מרוכזת לחלוטין. הדבר שאני הכי צריכה עכשיו זה חיבוק, אבל בינתיים אין מישהו שיכול לספק לי את זה. אני לא מאמינה, פשוט לא מאמינה, וזה כל כך נורא... רק בן 38... והוא כזה איש... אני בשוק. פשוט בשוק. אני תמיד רגילה שבכל הסרטים (ברוב הסרטים) יש סוף טוב, ושהגיבור קם על רגליו וחוזר להיות בסדר. הוא היה כזה חזק, והייתי משוכנעת שהוא ייצא מזה. יהי זכרו ברוך.


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I can´t believe it.
תנוח על משכבך בשלום.. The God of War will be forever immortalized in our memories


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רק רציתי לתת לך
. מצטערת שאני לא יכולה לחבק אותך באופן ממשי, נדמה שכולנו צריכים את זה.


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כל כך עצוב, הוא היה מקסים

הוא היה מלא חיים, משעשע, אולי לא שחקן דגול, אבל בהחלט הכניס חיים בדמות שלו. חבל ועצוב שמת.


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מ... מה...??? ../images/Emo12.gif

לא!!! לא נכון!!!
אני לא מקבלת את זה!!!
תנוח על משכבך בשלום, קווין.

A Xenite cat

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אני לא מאמינה !!!

כששמעתי על זה לא רציתי להאמין . אני לא מאמינה שזה באמת קרה . זה לא לגמרי נתפס , ואני גם לא חושבת שזה באמת יתפס למישהו בקרוב . יש לי כל כך הרבה מה להגיד , אבל שום דבר לא יכול באמת לבטא את מה שאני מרגישה . לכן , כל מה שאני אגיד זה , אנחנו אוהבים אותך קווין , ותנוח על משכבך בשלום .

shiRan WP

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אני לא מאמינה!

אני כל כך אוהבת את קווין- אני לא קולטת זה ואין פה שום סמיילים וסמלים שיביעו את איך שאני מרגישה! היום כשאני יראה זינה והוא יהיה שם...אני ממש לא יאמין שהוא כבר לא איתנו ...בחיים אני מקווה שהמשפחה שלו תחזיק מעמד אני אוהבת אותך קווין, תנוח על משכבך בשלום. יהי זכרו ברוך -שירן


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../images/Emo7.gif../images/Emo7.gif../images/Emo7.gif../images/Emo7.gif אני לא מאמינה../images/Emo16.gif

זה פשוט לא נקלט...


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כתבת וידיאו קצרה - לינק

באתר XtraMSN ניתן למצוא כתבה קצרה ששודרה היום בטלביזיה הקיווית ומסכמת את הידוע כרגע, בנוסף לסקירה מהירה על הקריירה של קווין ומספר מילים מחברים קרובים. לינק לאתר - http://xtramsn.co.nz/news/0,,3882-1136101,00.html לינק לקטע הוידיאו (מהירות 56k) - http://xtramsn.co.nz/musicandvideo/0,,6082-1136568-56,00.html (לבעלי חיבור מהיר מומלץ להכנס לאתר ולבחור במהירות המתאימה).


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הודעת האבל של ממשלת ניו זילנד

מצ"ב הלינק אל הודעת האבל שפרסמה ממשלת ניו זילנד תוכן ההודעה: 16 /2 /2002 Hon Judith Tizard Kevin Smith “Kevin Smith was a wonderful New Zealand actor who was known not only for his enormous talent and amazing beauty, but also for his intelligence and self-effacing humour,” Associate Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Judith Tizard said today. “I am sure that all New Zealanders will join the government in expressing our deep sorrow that this exceptionally talented New Zealander has died in his prime as the result of an accident in China. “Kevin Smith will probably be best remembered world-wide for his marvellous portrayal of Ares in Xena: Warrior Princess and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, but many New Zealanders will remember him for his talents in film, television, theatre, music and stand-up comedy.” Kevin Smith’s acting career began in 1987 when, during a break from rugby, he was cast in a touring musical about Elvis Presley, Are You Lonesome Tonight? “Kevin was an enormously popular actor. He had roles in many significant New Zealand films, including Desperate Remedies, Channelling Baby, Jubilee, and in television series such as Gloss, City Life, Lawless. On stage, Kevin had a commanding presence and last year starred in Auckland Theatre Company’s production of The Blue Room, which had an extended, sold-out season. “Music was always a part of Kevin’s life. He recorded several albums in the 1980s with his band Say Yes to Apes, and was a lead singer in the covers band The Wide Lapels, which included several fellow actors. He has also proven his impressive improvisational comic skills with Theatresports and in a multitude of stand-up comedy performances. “Kevin has played a huge part in New Zealand’s performing arts in the past forteen years. He will be greatly missed. “He was a father, a husband, a friend of many. We extend our warmest support to Kevin’s family, friends and colleagues at this time.” Kevin Smith is survived by his wife, Suzanne, and their three sons.


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אני בהלם טוטאלי!!!!!!

אני מתקשה לעכל הרגע נודע לי אני לא אוסיף במילים הדמעות חונקות יהיה זכרו ברוך
i will allways love you