אלו המשקלים לאליפות בתי הספר
המשקלים באליפות ארופה לבתי ספר - 2005/07/30 07:40 קבלנו הודעה מההתאחדות האירופית לגבי המשקלים באליפות אירופה לבתי ספר שמתקימת ברוסיה בתאריך 28-08-5-9-2005 Sofia, 26 July 2005 Circular 29/05e TO: The Presidents of the affiliated National Associations The Members of the EC of EABA and the ERB of AIBA RE: European Schoolboy Championships in Tverj/RUS Dear Gentlemen, Please be advised that according to the decisions taken by the Medical Commission, Schoolboys Boxing Championships is held in the following 16 weight categories. 37-38.5 kgs, 38,5-40 kgs, 40-41,5kgs, 41,5-43 kgs; 43-44,5 kgs, 44,5-46 kgs, 46-48 kgs, 48-50 kgs, 50-52 kgs, 52-54 kgs, 54-56 kgs, 56-59 kgs, 59-62 kgs, 62-65 kgs, 65-68 kgs, 68-72 kgs. The bouts must be 3 rounds of 1,5 minutes each, 1 minute rest between rounds. 10 ounces gloves must be used. Furthermore, the official delegation includes the coaches and the team leaders. The teams may be accompanied by one AIBA qualified R/J and one team doctor. They will not be considered as extra persons. Yours sincerely Acad. E. Jetchev President of EABA