קלייר מפסיקה להשתתף בכנסים...
היא פרסמה הודעה רשמית באתר שלה:
היא פרסמה הודעה רשמית באתר שלה:
Hello my sweet friends!! Sorry I have been MIA for so long. I have been very busy with my new business venture. I started designing and came up with a t shirt line called C&C California. My partner and I were featured on Oprah Winfrey on Wednesday and all hell has broken loose!! I am so grateful and completely fulfilled. Working long hours and loving it. You can see the t shirts at www.Oprah.com as well as www.eluxury.com and also check out store location at my new site www.candccalifornia.com (big thanks to sexy Aida for the quick site building). I must admit I have been really missing all of the Xena fans, but am happy (and sad) to say that I will be seeing some of you in August at my very last U.S. con...that's right...I’m gotta hang up the old fish nets and fan fic and say adieu. Tickets sales are low, but I'm still showing up god dammit!! The show and all the conventions were so much fun and I cannot tell you how much joy you have all brought into my life over the last 6 years! This site will be gone, as well as my filthy mouth at cons. But you can always drop me a line at the e mail on www.candccalifornia.com and I will stay in touch I promise. Again stay strong ... big chicks rule and I f**#@#g love you all madly. Don't ever forget that. Yours always, The evil Alti AKA CLAIRE xxxxxxx
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