קר קר בצפון


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קר קר בצפון

לפני מספר שעות חזרתי מכמה ימי עבודה בצפון ארהב והיה מאוד קר לכן צלמתי רק תמונה אחת מהיום בבוקר בזמן DE-ICE in Dayton OH


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ביום ראשון בציריך

המראנו להודו הטמפרטורה החיצונית -2 ולכן בדרך להתיישרות על המסלול עוברים תחנת י-אייסינג שתי מיכליות [אחת מכל צד] מצפות את הכנפים בחומר ירקרק למניעת הצטברות קרח על הכנפיים


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כמו בפולין, לפני ריצת המראה מיכליות

משפריצות על הכנפיים איזה חומר (אני חושב שזה מים מלוחים) כדי להפשיר את הכנפיים..

טסתי מניו יורק הקפואה של שנה שעברה ביום ממש מושלג היו משפריצים קיטור על המטוס...


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או קי אני רואה שיש הרבה שאלות אז בואו

נעשה סדר: So let’s start talking about ground icing: But before I will do that lets clear 2 things: De-Ice: remove ice that already accumulated on the aircraft airframe Anti-Ice: to protect the aircraft airframe from Ice that would adhere to it . The accumulation of frost snow and other precipitation under freezing condition require us pilots a great deal of attention. Ground icing is being performed by ground crews when ground icing is anticipated. Ground icing is accomplished by using ground equipment that spray material that called: Glycol-based liquid. That martial is sprayed on the airframe of the aircraft. This liquid can be categorized into 3 types: Type I: low viscosity. Orange or pink colors, limited anti-icing effects, and being used usually for ice and snow removal. That’s is also what you see in the picture, that morning the sky were clear and we only had some frost over the wings, so we only had to use type one. Type II: this type is more thick-i.e. high viscosity, this type is almost like type I but because he is more thick it sticks to the airframe for several minutes, and by doing that its providing anti-ice capability. The color of this fluid is amber. Type IV: is basically an improve type II. Its main benefit is ant-icing effectiveness when applied to the airframe the extra thickness may cause the fluid to appear wavy or bumpy. The color of this fluid is pale green. Now in the airlines we use the FAA criteria for determine how long the anti-ice fluid will prevent the formation of snow or ice on the aircraft surface during taxi to take off and this time called :Hold over time. Basically what we have is a chart that has the type of fluid we use, the temperature out side, and the type of precipitation, and by using this chart we can determine if we can still T/O without having any frozen surface on our aircraft. Holdover time begins when the final application of the fluid starts and expires and loses its effectiveness. Now there is what we called a pre T/O inspection: if the aircraft will cross the hold short line within the holdover time guidelines and icing condition still exist, then a visual inspection by the flight crew from the flight deck must be made, like wings or windshield wipers. Not done yet my dear friends we also have a pre T/O contamination inspection: if the aircraft will cross the hold short line outside the holdover time guidelines and icing conditions still exist then a pre T/O contamination inspection must be made, and that could be accomplish by walking through the cabin and look at the wings. After this check we have 5 min to cross the hold short line. Now I know I just named type I II and IV, and I skipped type III , but I cannot remember why they got rid of it, but I will get the answer for that and will let you know.


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עוד אחד לטאגליינס\שאלות נפוצות:)


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You do realize that

flying into know icing condition in a C-150 is prohibited? If I were you I wouldn’t put those pictures anywhere, unless it’s your own family album

Shacar Shalev

New member
ואם זה לא יודע?

מה קורה שאתה טס לתנאי התקרחות לא יודעים ולא חזויים? דרך אגב, אחרי הטיסה הזו אני דיווחתי ל FSS על התקרחות קלה.


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I will ask you 2 questions, and you as a private pilot give me the answers: When would you most likely encounter ice, in what temp? And what else except temp is required for ice to be form? Give me the answer and we will go from there.

Shacar Shalev

New member

התשובה היא כמובן כן! אחרת איך? ויותר לעניין, אני רואה שהתמונה דיברה לליבך אז אספר לך מה עומד מאחוריה. טסתי טיסת IFR שגרתית, בתנאי VMC. הבקר ביקש אותי לטפס כמה אלפי-רגליים, טיפסתי. בזמן הטיפוס וההגעה לגובה המבוקש, נכנסתי ל IMC, והטמפרטורה ירדה לה לאיטה עם הגובה. לאחר הבנת המצב הנ"ל דרשתי לאלתר לרדת בחזרה משום שאני נמצא בתנאי התקרחות. לאחר זמן מה (דקה-שתיים) קיבלתי את האישור המיוחל להנמיך, ומה שאתה רואה בתמונה זה המצב לאחר היציאה מהענן. כמובן שמשום שהטמפ' הייתה מעל הקיפאון הקרח לא החזיק מעמד והתמוגג לו עד אשר כשנחתתי זמן מה אחר-כך לא נשאר ממנו זכר לתיעוד. ובקשר לתמונה, אתה צודק היא באמת מבישה. הנה תמונה יותר רצינית.


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First when I said to put the picture in the family album it wasn’t because it wasn’t pretty, is because you don’t really want to show that you went into icing conditions in an airplane you weren’t suppose to get into icing conditions in the first place Now for next time when you flying in the winter, you should check the weather and check the freezing level, so you will know how to avoid icing conditions. You are a private pilot that just started his first steps in aviation, I don’t know where exactly you got your private, but lot of schools do not teach weather the way they suppose to, and I know that because I have never learned about weather when I was in private, but then I went to a flight academy in which, during instrument course we are required to check the freezing level during flights in the winter when you have visible moisture. Take those comments that I am giving here as tips for you as someone that want to make it a profession one day and not as criticism, that is not what I am trying to do, because if the picture you put here is what you had, you are very lucky guy, there are plenty of pilots who lost their life because things like this, and I don’t need to explain what ice that form over the wings can do to the stall speed right? Think about it…..