ראיון->הלהקה של קונס+עובדות מענינות


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ראיון->הלהקה של קונס+עובדות מענינות

הם אומרים שאת רוב השירים כותבים קונסי וטיילור... כשהם התחילו את הלהקה הם עשו אודישנים ליותר מ150 זמרים והם בחרו את קונס. הם אומרים שהם מכרו דיסקים גם לאנשים שלא גרים בארה"ב ומציינים את ישראל [בזכות "קונסטנטין גירל" חחח- את רואה, יש לך איזכור בעקיפין!] שאלו אותם מי כתב את השיר suicide [התאבדות] והם אמרו שקונס כתב והם לא יודעים למה בדיוק. [אני אחפש את הליריקס לזה...] ושאלו גם למי יש את הרגליים הכי גדולות [
והמבין יבין] הם אמרו שהם מניחים שלקונס. Carol (nickname Constantines Girl) from www.constantinerocks.com interviewed the Betty boys. Interview Below:: I want to thank Taylor and all the Betty Boys for taking the time to answer some questions. A while back we posted a forum asking members to ask anything they wanted and we took what we felt were the best ones. Here they are now.. enjoy.. We have also invited all the guys over to view this forum so lets have some great posts to show them how much we appreciate them. ------------------------------------------------------ 1. How did you guys meet and form the band? I was in a band called Clyde with Hamboussi, he was subsequently in a band with Joao called Cohiba - after these bands broke up, we jammed one night, and it was just awesome right away - I think we wrote two of the songs on the album, or at least parts of them, during that first jam. Then we auditioned over 150 singers & chose Constantine. 2. Who are the band's musical influences? Extremely varied depending on the individual, but bands we've discussed together while making music include Soundgarden, Jane's Addiction, The Doors, Led Zep, Jet, Guns-n-Roses, Alice in Chains, Black Sabbath, Neil Young... 3. Does the band watch Constantine on American Idol? If so, do they vote for him? We've definitely been watching or taping more lately, since our life depends on it in many ways, mostly though just to watch C - have not voted though 4. If Constantine should win American Idol, what will happen to the band? Pray for the Soul of Betty will not die! 5. Is it true that the band's CDs can't be purchased overseas? And if it is, when will they be available for purchase? I think right now it depends what country you live in - I know for a fact we have shipped to Canada, Great Britain, Israel, and Sri Lanka 6. Who comes up with the lyrics and music for the bands songs? Taylor and Constantine do the majority of the lyrics, Taylor and Joao do most of the music 7. What was the story behind the song, "Suicide"? Perhaps the band can share stories behind three more songs of their choice. Constantine wrote that one, so I'm not really sure... A cool little fact about Cut the Cord – the voice in the beginning is a real NYC taxi dispatcher – his voice came through Joao’s amp while we were recording and we yelled to the engineer to hit record – and it came in perfect time with the intro – miraculous I wrote “…the Day” for a close friend of mine, and myself really, just to remind me to take advantage of every day and not to let fear control me "Sylvan" is about overcontrolling parents and teachers, and the time in my life when I overcame their hypocricy Constantine started "Truck Stop Sally" with the title and the chorus, and an idea of a freespirited(euphemism) girl - I then wrote the verses based on a really cool girl i know who just crushes the spirit of all men who inevitably fall in love with her. Then Constantine added the bridge lyrics. most of the music is produced very naturally by Joao and Taylor, one of us will just start playing something, old or new, and the other guy just latches right on 8. What are the band members' birthdates? N/A 9. What are the band's plans for the future? For example, more tours, CDs? release the current CD in May everywhere and tour as much as possible 10. Just for fun: Of all the band members, who has the biggest feet? I'm assuming Constantine...
../images/Emo6.gif כן, ראיתי את זה קודם באתר שלהם

ואכן קלטתי את האיזכור "שלי", אהבתי!!!


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עוד סיבה למה אני רוצה שקונס ינצח

הוא כותב את השירים שלו בעצמו, תמיד מעריכים יותר זמרים שכותבים את החומרים שלהם בעצמם. חוץ מזה זמרים מתחברים יותר לשירים שהם כתבו... כמה שקליי ווקאליסט מעולה ובנאדם מקסים, יש שירים בדיסק שלו שהוא לא מתחבר אליהם ורואים, בגלל שהוא לא כתב אותם.


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