ראיון עם קווין מ-97, מפורסם לראשונה
הריאיון לקוח מאתר IDGNet NZ, נערך בשנת 97 ומפורסם עתה לראשונה. המראיין מנסה להבין מה קווין חושב על האינטרנט... חמוד ביותר... Kevin Smith on the web Ria Keenan, Auckland In 1997 the internet was only just penetrating the mass consciousness but already actor Kevin Smith had an ardent online following. Following his accident in China and untimely death, fans have been flocking to the web for information and to express sadness at his demise. Smith´s foreign fan base, which is probably even greater than it is here at home, goes back to his roles in Xena and Hercules. Locally, he is known from numerous television, stage and feature film performances but to overseas fans, he was simply Ares, God of War (in Xena), or Iphicles, Herc´s half-brother. This previously unpublished 1997 interview with Smith by former Computerworld reporter Ria Keenan was intended for an internet magazine which never saw the light of day. Keenan asked Smith about his growing fame and exposure to – and on – the internet. "In Auckland I´ve lost a bit of anonymity because of the pop culture that´s grown up around the show [Xena], so going to America has always been really cool. I´d just relax and be really laid back. But it´s weird — I´m getting recognised over there now. One of the executives at Universal Studios, when I was visiting there recently, came up to me in the cafeteria and wanted me to say a line he really dug from the show. I just kept saying ´how does it go?´. I couldn´t remember." Smith is aware of the many fans he has on the internet and has met a woman who runs a fan club for him. "I met Beth while I was in Los Angeles. She´s called ZepGirl on the internet. She drove up from San Diego to meet me." Smith says the only email he´s ever sent so far is a message to a young fan sick in hospital. The girl had a computer beside the bed and used it to communicate. "She wrote to ZepGirl about it. She was stoked so it was really nice." He sent his email from Auckland internet store LiveWire, because of "technical difficulties" with his home machine. "We got a computer last year but it turns out that I´m so computer illiterate that it´s just an expensive typewriter. My wife uses it for the soccer club committee and I keep scripts on it and that has been the extent of my involvement." However, after looking over the shoulders of several friends while they are on the internet, he has decided to get a connection at home. "There are some things that I want to do, which the internet might be able to help with. There´s a play I want to get the rights to and it can be hard when you´re writing letters around the world. I just found out the name of the production company — I don´t know if emailing might help but it could be quicker to do it that way. I´d also use it for looking at new works, new plays. "My friend Michael Hurst [who plays Iolus in Hercules], downloaded from the internet a version of Othello that we performed on stage. I´ve also got some good buddies in the States that I´d like to talk to because it would be cheaper than phone calls and I wouldn´t have to worry about the time differences. Also, it would be useful for keeping in contact with my agents; I could email them stuff instead of having lengthy conference calls, which get quite expensive." Smith sees the internet as being a tool for actors, singers, writers and TV and film production staff. "I like the idea of a lot of information floating around out there. In this modern age people like Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner are using the internet and communications to control the flow of information around the world, versus the physical challenge they used to have of just getting the news across, say on horseback, to a newspaper office. "I think web pages could be a tool for actors. If you set one up yourself then you´ve got a greater amount of control, obviously. I know a film crew agency site on the internet to which crew post their CVs for overseas production companies to pick and choose from. With actors it would be really handy to put their data books of roles played and so on, on the net — it´s the next logical step."
הריאיון לקוח מאתר IDGNet NZ, נערך בשנת 97 ומפורסם עתה לראשונה. המראיין מנסה להבין מה קווין חושב על האינטרנט... חמוד ביותר... Kevin Smith on the web Ria Keenan, Auckland In 1997 the internet was only just penetrating the mass consciousness but already actor Kevin Smith had an ardent online following. Following his accident in China and untimely death, fans have been flocking to the web for information and to express sadness at his demise. Smith´s foreign fan base, which is probably even greater than it is here at home, goes back to his roles in Xena and Hercules. Locally, he is known from numerous television, stage and feature film performances but to overseas fans, he was simply Ares, God of War (in Xena), or Iphicles, Herc´s half-brother. This previously unpublished 1997 interview with Smith by former Computerworld reporter Ria Keenan was intended for an internet magazine which never saw the light of day. Keenan asked Smith about his growing fame and exposure to – and on – the internet. "In Auckland I´ve lost a bit of anonymity because of the pop culture that´s grown up around the show [Xena], so going to America has always been really cool. I´d just relax and be really laid back. But it´s weird — I´m getting recognised over there now. One of the executives at Universal Studios, when I was visiting there recently, came up to me in the cafeteria and wanted me to say a line he really dug from the show. I just kept saying ´how does it go?´. I couldn´t remember." Smith is aware of the many fans he has on the internet and has met a woman who runs a fan club for him. "I met Beth while I was in Los Angeles. She´s called ZepGirl on the internet. She drove up from San Diego to meet me." Smith says the only email he´s ever sent so far is a message to a young fan sick in hospital. The girl had a computer beside the bed and used it to communicate. "She wrote to ZepGirl about it. She was stoked so it was really nice." He sent his email from Auckland internet store LiveWire, because of "technical difficulties" with his home machine. "We got a computer last year but it turns out that I´m so computer illiterate that it´s just an expensive typewriter. My wife uses it for the soccer club committee and I keep scripts on it and that has been the extent of my involvement." However, after looking over the shoulders of several friends while they are on the internet, he has decided to get a connection at home. "There are some things that I want to do, which the internet might be able to help with. There´s a play I want to get the rights to and it can be hard when you´re writing letters around the world. I just found out the name of the production company — I don´t know if emailing might help but it could be quicker to do it that way. I´d also use it for looking at new works, new plays. "My friend Michael Hurst [who plays Iolus in Hercules], downloaded from the internet a version of Othello that we performed on stage. I´ve also got some good buddies in the States that I´d like to talk to because it would be cheaper than phone calls and I wouldn´t have to worry about the time differences. Also, it would be useful for keeping in contact with my agents; I could email them stuff instead of having lengthy conference calls, which get quite expensive." Smith sees the internet as being a tool for actors, singers, writers and TV and film production staff. "I like the idea of a lot of information floating around out there. In this modern age people like Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner are using the internet and communications to control the flow of information around the world, versus the physical challenge they used to have of just getting the news across, say on horseback, to a newspaper office. "I think web pages could be a tool for actors. If you set one up yourself then you´ve got a greater amount of control, obviously. I know a film crew agency site on the internet to which crew post their CVs for overseas production companies to pick and choose from. With actors it would be really handy to put their data books of roles played and so on, on the net — it´s the next logical step."