רנה בסרט חדש כדמות ראשית!
כרגע קבלתי מאחת הרשימות שלי את ההודעה הבאה : I recently found out great news about Renee. She will be starring in her own movie. I heard the movie is based on the Sci-fi action novels of Ray Hansen. (see www.nstk.com) I found out about it on the pages you´ll find below. If you´re a Renee fan you should check it out. I think it´s great that Renee is going to play lead in her own movie. http://www.geocities.com/xena2011/WhatskickinOct02.html http://www.geocities.com/xena2011/WhatskickinAug02.html http://www.geocities.com/xena2011/WhatskickinJune02.html אם אין לכם כוח ללכת ללינקים הינה העידכון הכי אחרון : Now what about Renee? Well I got more info from a nice man a while ago and I should of posted this sooner, but it just to me further substanciates that Renee may be playing Nina Steel in the rumoured upcoming movie for her adventure series! Here is what Mark mailed me! Thanks Mark!! Dear What’s kickin’, I would like to say that I truly enjoy your web site. You have some of the most useful information about Xena anywhere on the web. I really like your what’s kickin’ pages. The amount of time and effort you must put into it shows you are one of the great Xena fans and help fans like me love Xena more. On your June and August What’s kickin’ pages you bring up an issue that is very dear to my heart…Nina Steel. I’ve been a Nina Steel fan since the early days back in 1989 when Ray Hansen (the author) posted short Nina Steel Stories on an old style BBS (bulletin board system). Since then the author has written three novels which were first released in e-book format in 1993 and their now in hard copy www.nstk.com. I’ve read my copies so many times I’ve worn them out. As you may or may not know every year Nina Steel adventures runs 2 contests. Winners gets an all expense paid trip the Caribbean Island of St Martin and you get to meet the author. As it turns out I won one of the contests this year. In fact we just returned from the island. While there Mr. Hansen invited my wife and I to his house on the island…what a beautiful house! Since I had read your what’s kickin’ pages about a week before leaving for the island I knew I would just have to find out what was really going on with the movie deal and Renee O´Connor. Being a long time fan of Nina Steel I would have to agree that Renee would be a perfect match to play Nina Steel. So I figured I’d have my chance to question Mr. Hansen at length when we were invited to his house. However, I was aware I’d have to be at least a little cunning when asking him. In an attempt to double my chances of finding out something I ask my wife to question Mr. Hansen’s wife about a possible movie. After dinner Mr. Hansen and I sat poolside and talked at length about Nina and his other characters. Let me tell you trying to get information about the rest of the nine book series was very hard and he gave me little info that I didn’t already know, although he did let me read the first chapter of Defenseless, which is his next book to this winter. Wow, if I would have had socks on at the time that chapter would have knock them off. It was fantastic! When I handed the chapter back to him I asked, in as an off handed manner as possible, if one of his books were ever to be made into a movie, who would you like to see play Nina. I thought this might be a better question than asking him directly about the possible movie. Without really thinking he said Rene…and then cut himself off. Then he looked at me and laughed before he said, he didn’t know who would be the best fit, but it should be someone with a large fan-base. Then he laughed again and said maybe Madonna. My wife was not at all successful in gleaming info from Mrs. Hansen, other than she did see a 8X10 of Renee while getting the nickel tour of their house. It was hanging on a wall with other pictures from book tours and sci-fi conventions. It was also the only picture of a celebrity that was there. I know this isn’t much info for you, but maybe there are other Xena or Nina fans that know some other piece of the puzzle that might write you. Personally to see Renee as Nina Steel would be without a doubt the most fantastic movie event ever. I don’t know if you’re a Nina Steel fan, but I’ll sure you agree any opportunity to see Renee in a feature length movie would be a great thing. Xena forever, Mark
כרגע קבלתי מאחת הרשימות שלי את ההודעה הבאה : I recently found out great news about Renee. She will be starring in her own movie. I heard the movie is based on the Sci-fi action novels of Ray Hansen. (see www.nstk.com) I found out about it on the pages you´ll find below. If you´re a Renee fan you should check it out. I think it´s great that Renee is going to play lead in her own movie. http://www.geocities.com/xena2011/WhatskickinOct02.html http://www.geocities.com/xena2011/WhatskickinAug02.html http://www.geocities.com/xena2011/WhatskickinJune02.html אם אין לכם כוח ללכת ללינקים הינה העידכון הכי אחרון : Now what about Renee? Well I got more info from a nice man a while ago and I should of posted this sooner, but it just to me further substanciates that Renee may be playing Nina Steel in the rumoured upcoming movie for her adventure series! Here is what Mark mailed me! Thanks Mark!! Dear What’s kickin’, I would like to say that I truly enjoy your web site. You have some of the most useful information about Xena anywhere on the web. I really like your what’s kickin’ pages. The amount of time and effort you must put into it shows you are one of the great Xena fans and help fans like me love Xena more. On your June and August What’s kickin’ pages you bring up an issue that is very dear to my heart…Nina Steel. I’ve been a Nina Steel fan since the early days back in 1989 when Ray Hansen (the author) posted short Nina Steel Stories on an old style BBS (bulletin board system). Since then the author has written three novels which were first released in e-book format in 1993 and their now in hard copy www.nstk.com. I’ve read my copies so many times I’ve worn them out. As you may or may not know every year Nina Steel adventures runs 2 contests. Winners gets an all expense paid trip the Caribbean Island of St Martin and you get to meet the author. As it turns out I won one of the contests this year. In fact we just returned from the island. While there Mr. Hansen invited my wife and I to his house on the island…what a beautiful house! Since I had read your what’s kickin’ pages about a week before leaving for the island I knew I would just have to find out what was really going on with the movie deal and Renee O´Connor. Being a long time fan of Nina Steel I would have to agree that Renee would be a perfect match to play Nina Steel. So I figured I’d have my chance to question Mr. Hansen at length when we were invited to his house. However, I was aware I’d have to be at least a little cunning when asking him. In an attempt to double my chances of finding out something I ask my wife to question Mr. Hansen’s wife about a possible movie. After dinner Mr. Hansen and I sat poolside and talked at length about Nina and his other characters. Let me tell you trying to get information about the rest of the nine book series was very hard and he gave me little info that I didn’t already know, although he did let me read the first chapter of Defenseless, which is his next book to this winter. Wow, if I would have had socks on at the time that chapter would have knock them off. It was fantastic! When I handed the chapter back to him I asked, in as an off handed manner as possible, if one of his books were ever to be made into a movie, who would you like to see play Nina. I thought this might be a better question than asking him directly about the possible movie. Without really thinking he said Rene…and then cut himself off. Then he looked at me and laughed before he said, he didn’t know who would be the best fit, but it should be someone with a large fan-base. Then he laughed again and said maybe Madonna. My wife was not at all successful in gleaming info from Mrs. Hansen, other than she did see a 8X10 of Renee while getting the nickel tour of their house. It was hanging on a wall with other pictures from book tours and sci-fi conventions. It was also the only picture of a celebrity that was there. I know this isn’t much info for you, but maybe there are other Xena or Nina fans that know some other piece of the puzzle that might write you. Personally to see Renee as Nina Steel would be without a doubt the most fantastic movie event ever. I don’t know if you’re a Nina Steel fan, but I’ll sure you agree any opportunity to see Renee in a feature length movie would be a great thing. Xena forever, Mark