רק כי אני משועממת ובדקתי משהו

רק כי אני משועממת ובדקתי משהו

סיימתי את העבודה להיום, ואני יושבת וקוראת חומר לא ממש מעניין... אז הלכתי לבדוק איזה פרק ישודר מחר בהולמארק... וזה And it's surely to their credit הנפלא, אאל"ט... אז הייתי חייבת: Ainsley: Mr. Tribbey? I'd like to do well on this, my first assignment. Any advice you could give me that might point me the way of success would be, by me, appreciated. Lionel Tribbey: Well, not speaking in iambic pentameter might be a step in the right direction.
עוד כמה טובים

DONNA: Did you really know Jack Warner, Mr. President? JED: Yeah, because I used to be a contract player in Hollywood and I'm 97 years old. C.J: Have you noticed that I'm one of the few people around here whose nose isn't bent out of shape over Ainsley Hayes? TOBY: You heard the news and you slammed the door so hard it broke, okay? You heard the news and you broke the White House.

ABBEY: Your blood pressure is 120/80. CHARLIE: How did you know that, ma’am? ABBEY: I’m saying his blood pressure. CHARLIE: Uh. Is 120/80? ABBEY: Yeah. Your EKG shows a good sinus rhythm. CHARLIE: Okay. ABBEY: No evidence of ischemic change. CHARLIE: How are we spelling...? ABBEY: It doesn’t matter. Your electrolytes and metabolic panels are within normal limits, chest x-rays are clear, and prostate screens are fine. CHARLIE: Okay. ABBEY: So, we can have sex now. CHARLIE: Okay, that’s not me and you now, right?
הולכת מהר למדוד לחץ דם ואק"ג../images/Emo193.gif

so we can have sex now [ולא, הפסיק לא הושמט בטעות. אני לא עושה טעויות.]

TRIBBEY: What're you lookin' at? SAM: I'm...nothing. I'm not...nothing. Except it's from Pinafore. TRIBBEY: It's from Penzance. SAM: I hate to stick my head in the lion's mouth, but I got to ask you: were you the Recording Secretary of the Princeton Gilbert and Sullivan Society for two years? TRIBBEY: No, but then again I'm not a woman, so? SAM: I'm just saying... TRIBBEY: Little drinks, I'm supposed to be having right now! Umbrellas, sticking out of them! Shish kabob!