ANALOG SYNTHESIZERS NOTE: Most of these 1970's anolog synths are monophonic (capable one sound only). Wright and the rest of the band recreated the recorded sounds from multi-tracking and overdubbing synth after synth. This process could and did take them hours to do. (ELECTRONIC MUSIC STUDIOS) VOLTAGE CONTROLLED STUDIO MODEL 3 (EMS VCS3) (1971)- The bands first synthesizer used in the Meddle sessions...the VCS3 has a wide range of creativity. VOLTAGE CONTROLLED STUDIO MODEL 3 SYNTHESIZER (A) KEYBOARD SEQUENCER (EMS) VCS3 SYNTHI - AKS (1972 - present)- A later "suitcase" version of the VCS3 with attaching sequencer and keyboard. Used to create "On The Run", "Welcome To The Machine" and "Shine On Pt. 1", etc. The Floyd carried the Synthi in their '94 World Tour. MINIMOOG (1973 - 1981) - Basically it's the "trumpet" sound in "Shine On You Crazy Diamond". Known as the world's most popular analog syntheziser. Wright used the MiniMoog for many years mainly as a lead instrument. (FloydWaters note: I can't be sure, but it sounds as if this instrument appears after 1981...it sounds like this is the "trumpet" sound in "Wearing the Inside Out". Also, according to Terrence, this was also used on the DSotM tour.) A.R.P. (SOLINA IV) SYNTHESIZER (1975 - 1977)-Even though the ARP (Alan R. Pearlman Inc.) was a popular synthesizer, especially in America, the only other A.R.P. synthesizer that Wright used was on the song "Absolutly Curtains" on "Obscured By Clouds". The "Solina V" synthesizer was known as "The Floyd's String Machine" capable of recreating a string orchestra, as you can hear on Wish You Were Here and Animals. SCI PROHPET V SYNTHESIZER (1979 - 1981) - Wright's first polyphonic synthesizer. The synthesizer for The Wall sessions and live shows. Can play multi-sounds and effects with echoes and repeats. OBERHEIM SYNTHESIZER (1978) - According to the credits, Mr. Wright used one of these on his first solo album Wet Dream. No further information on where else he used it or what specific model. DIGITAL SYNTHESIZERS FAIRLIGHT CMI - (1984) - Used by both Dave Harris and Richard Wright on their collaborative effort Identity. Given the year, I believe the model they used would have most likely been a II or IIx, but I cannot prove this. For more information on the Fairlight CMI, please click here. KURZWEIL - (1987 - present) - Both Wright and Jon Carin split a number of different samplers, rack modules and keyboards made by Kurzweil. FloydWaters note: Judging from photos including a magazine advertisement by Kurzweil, I am certain that the model used on PULSE was a K2000. ROLAND SUPER JX DIGITAL SYNTHESISER: I am informed by Adam B. that on the Delicate Sound of Thunder tour, Mr. Wright used a Roland synthesiser, that was replaced with the Kurzweil for PULSE. Confirmed by Jeremy S., who provided the model number. NON-KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTS VIBRAPHONE - I believe he plays this instrument on some versions of "Love Scene Version 4". TROMBONE - He is seen to play the trombone in Pink Floyd's earlier days, such as "Biding My Time" and an alternate version of "Jugband Blues". GUITAR - In a very early version of Pink Floyd (before it acquired that name), Richard Wright was the rhythm guitarist. Judging from a few more recent photos and videos, he apparently still has at least one acoustic guitar (type unknown) and knows how to play, even if he never does so in public. DOG: No, this is not a typo! If you watch the video Live at Pompeii, you'll see that it was Mr. Wright's job to make sure Mademoiselle Nobs howled into the microphone during this whimsical alternate version of "Seamus". Richard Wright's Home Studio for Broken China Provided by Jeremy S. Please note that his studio gear may have changed since 1996--this is not to be construed as up-to-the-minute information, only "historical". Instruments Hammond XB-5 (virtual tonewheel organ) Fender Rhodes (electric piano) Kurzweil K2000 (sampling synthesizer) Akai S1100 (sampler) Alesis D4 (drum machine) Proteus 2 Orchestral (orchestral sample playback module) Kurzweil MIDIBoard (MIDI controller) Other Gear Mackie 24-8 + extension Tascam DA-30 24 Track Otari Radar 2 x Drawmer DL241 Lexicon LXP-5 Yamaha SPX990 Urei 1176 Yamaha REV7 MXR Digital Delay + Transposer ATC SCM-16 Speakers Ampli Studer Mac Performa 475, Cubase Micro Neumann U87