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בנוגע לhalloween/samhain, מצאתי סתירה מסוימת בשני אתרים על התאריך שבהם הקלטים חגגו את האירוע ורציתי לשאול מתי בעצם הם חגגו אותו? אני מצטט מתוך ויקפדיה (אני מאוד מקווה שמותר לעשות את זה): "The Celtic calendar divided the year into two halves, the "dark" half, beginning with the month Samonios (the October/November lunation), and the "light half", beginning with the Giamonios (the April/May lunation). The entire year appears to have been considered as beginning with the "dark" half, so that the beginning of Samonios may be considered the Celtic New Year's day. All months began at full moon, and the celebration of New Year took place during the "three nights of Samonios" (Gaulish trinux[tion] samo[nii]), the full moon of nearest 1st November. Likewise, the beginning of the summer season was celebrated at the full moon nearest 1st May (see Beltane). The full moons marking the middle of each half-year may also have been specific festivals, the Coligny calendar marks the mid-summer one (see Lughnasadh), but omits the mid-winter one (see Imbolc). Note that the seasons are not oriented at the solar year, viz. solstice and equinox, but that the mid-summer festival would be considerable later than summer solstice, around 1 August. It appears that the calendar was design to align the lunations with the agricultural cycle of vegetation, and that the actual movements of the Sun were less important." לעומת זאת באתר religious tolerence כתוב: "Seen as the beginning of the cold season. It is balanced by the corresponding seasonal day of celebration called Beltain (or Bealtaine, Beltaine, etc) which signals the start of summer, 6 months later. Both of these are fire festivals. The ancient Celts probably held them exactly mid-way between an equinox (when day and night were equal) and the following solstice (when the nighttime was shortest or longest). In ancient times, Samhain would probably have been centered between the Fall equinox and the Winter solstice, celebrated about NOV-5 to NOV-7. After the arrival of the Gregorian calendar, Pagans are believed to have moved Samhain back about a week to OCT-31." אני לא בטוח שהבנתי מה היה התאריך. האם הוא היה בירח המלא *לפני* ה1 בנובמבר או שהוא היה אחרי? מה גם שהירח המלא בנובמבר (לפחות החודש) יוצא אחרי ה5-7 בנובמבר.


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הבנתי את כל עניין התאריכים כבר. אני יודע שהפורום במין "דאון" עכשיו, אז אולי שרשור חג יעזור לעלות את המצב רוח. מה אתם עושים בחג? איך אתם רואים אותו ומה הדגשים אצלכם? אני יודע שזה יחסית מוקדם, אבל זה חג כל כך מדהים :)