No, there´s no real answer to how to keep going daily when training, how to get out the door when it´s cold and your mucles are already tired, when there´s a good tv show on etc. but there are some good pointers, and i´m sure some people can add some more from personal experience: * alternate trails - if you´re running or biking, change the trail use different places every so often. It really helps. * lternate training session: don´t run the same thing every day. Do intervals, hills workouts, etc. it really helps. * it´s ok to relax and do a little than expected on some days. Don´t make workouts into a chore that must be done. * every so often, just run and enjoy it. Put a good tape when you´re running, leave the heart rate monitor at home, and run for the fun of it.. enjoy. lior