למה הצוות הישן עזב...
פורמן תפס שהוא ניהיה יותר ויותר דומה להאוס (לקח מוח עצמות מילד קטן בלי הרדמה כי זה מה שפתר את המקרה) וקלט שאם הוא לא עוזב הוא יהיה בדיוק כמו האוס. הוא התפטר. HOUSE: [sighs] You did good. FOREMAN: I did what you would have. HOUSE: Well, maybe I'm biased, but-- FOREMAN: I tortured the kid. HOUSE: Because you knew it was right. You knew you were saving his brother. FOREMAN: [pensively] I know. I don't like that I know. I hate that I can listen to a kid screaming in pain and not even take a moment to question whether I'm doing the right thing. I hate that in order to be like you as a doctor, I have to be like you as a human being. I don't want to turn into you. HOUSE: [smirks] You're not. You've been like me since you were eight years old. FOREMAN: [turns to face him] You'll save more people than I will. But I'll settle for killing less. Consider this my two weeks' notice. צייס ניסה לשכנע את האוס לבקש מפורמן להישאר וניגס וניגס עד שהאוס פיטר אותו. Chase: I don't really care if Foreman stays or goes but-- House: You're fired. Chase: Wha... what because I yelled at you? House: Because you've been here the longest, learned all you can, or you haven't learned anything at all... either way, it's time for a change. קמרון, אחרי כל הבלגן ניגשה להאוס ואמרה לו שהיא כבר למדה את כל מה שיכלה בתפקיד. Cameron: I've gotten all I can from this job.