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<div align=right> General Statistics since 2000: Mintel Meat-Free Foods Report December 2001 Mintel estimates that 5.7% of the population are vegetarian. TGI Annual Survey 2001 Survey of 25,000 adults found 6.5% of those surveyed agreed with statement "I am a vegetarian", 5.7% of the men, 7.3% of the women. ICM Poll for the Daily Telegraph 20-22 April 2001 Poll of 1,005 adults aged 18 and over 9% "don´t eat meat", 7% of men, 10% of women. NOP Poll for the National Consumer Council, 30 March - 1 April 2001 Poll of 1001 adults With the foot & mouth outbreak in mind, have you changed or are you considering changing your eating habits? Yes - 23% If so, in what way have you or would you change your eating habits? Stop eating meat - 29%, Stop eating red meat - 35% NOP Poll for The Sunday Times, 15-16 March 2001 Poll of 1,426 adults 12% reported they had already given up eating meat, a further 26% say they will eat less meat or none at all (30% women, 22% men). ICM Poll for Today Programme, March 2001 Poll of over 1000 adults Which of the following best describes you? A meat eater - 87%, Vegetarian "who eats fish" - 7%, Vegetarian - 2%, Vegan - 3%. How long have you bean a vegetarian? Always - 17%, Quite some time - 56%, Quite recently - 27% Would you consider not eating meat? Yes - 32% Mail on Sunday MORI Poll, March 2001 Poll of 503 adults aged 18 plus Since the Foot & Mouth outbreak, have you...? Eaten less meat than usual - 11% Eaten more meat than usual - 0% Don´t eat meat - 10% Food Standards Agency, Consumer Attitudes to Food Standards Report, October-December 2000 Face to face interviews of 3,153 householders 5% of households surveyed contained a completely vegetarian member - including 1% vegan; 6% in England, 3% in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 7% had a "mainly vegetarian" member who ate fish but no meat. Taylor Nelson Poll for the RSPCA, June 2000 A survey of 1000 adults 5% did not eat meat An additional 4% did not eat red meat 3% ate meat just once a week or less 25% said farm animal welfare was their number one priority when choosing fresh meat 80% said they would like to see better welfare conditions for Britain´s farm animals </div>