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יש מצב איכשהו עלי אדמות שיש מלל לצ'ינקוומילה

nerod 72

New member

רק אתמול דנה'לה תרגמה לנו את הליריקס. הנה התרגום כשהיא מתחילה עם קם און אבריבדי... שורה 1- קם און אבריבדי פור מונטו איפוטרמי (בואו עכשיו כולם ותמורת כסף תזיינו אותי) שורה 2- איי אירספטה פור אה לטו לטו לטה (אני מחכה למזמוזים) שורה 3- אה וומן אירקלצי יו קן קם אנד איט מיי פרוטה (אני אשה המחכה שתאכלו את פירותיי=כינוי לאיבר המין הנשי) שורה4- פרו או מלו בט פור מי אה ביג בננה (תוכלו להביא מלון אבל בשבילי בננה גדולה=זין גדול) בעיקרון, השיר מדבר על בחורה פרובוקטיבית ונימפומנית שרוצה גברים... שם השיר צינקוומילה , הפירוש הוא 5000 (כסף).צינקווה=5 מילה=אלף (איטלקית). בקטע עם הבננס והפוטטוס , אז , כאמור,
מסמלת זין ותפוחים מסמלים ביצים! זה הכל!!
Yes sorry ../images/Emo4.gif

Well i came in here to see dana online but could not see her, sorry i dont understand hebrew, i guese i keep quiet
many sorry

nerod 72

New member
to zanainternational...

we're very happy to welcome you in this forum!we're delighted that not only israelis love dana. i wanted to ask you-where aer you from and how do you know dana?
Thank you ../images/Emo13.gif

Shalom Thanks for the reply
thank you , well I am from South Africa in Natal , Pietermaritzburg.. Well i learned about Dana since she came in the Eurovision, well i loved her song Diva , but did not know she was Ts like me.. but when i learned she was TS like me I admired her not because of the voice,and song but her as a person who have done something well
Love Danielle ((^_^))
to zanainternational

Thank you very much
for welcoming me here but i wish i knew what was realy going on here ,lol I am, from South Africa and I found about Dana in 1998 from the Eurovison contest
Love Danielle ((^_^))


New member
Sorry?! Why?!

We're soooo happy to see you here!!!
It's me that shoud be soory about not telling you about this forum...
I just didn't think you would understand here something, 'cause everything here is in Hebrew...
I really don't know how did you get here & I'm very surprised!... Hope to see you here again!!!
Thank you ../images/Emo13.gif

thank you well its o.k
i dont understand what i read i just feel emotion and thaughts, its because i am a bit psychic it helped me get in here but trying to feel is very tiering,,lolThank you I am surprised as well
i will pop in
now and (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs((((((((((((((hugs... Danielle


New member
By the way...

I did give Dana your letter...
It was about 2 weeks ago... So I guess she has already read it... Sorry, I should have told you about this before... Anyway, I'll talk with you on the e-mail..
../images/Emo24.gif weelcome to dana place

hello its great to see you here in dana international forum tell us alitle bit about youerself? where are you from? welcome.....
weelcome to dana place

I think I did reply this but did not go through so i reply again
I learned about Dana when she did the Eurovision in 1998 and did not know she was ts only lter on that year , I am from South afica , I am student doing zoology , information systems, and chemistry I am TS like Dana but still pre op, I also am an artist with drawing and 3D graphics and I also compose and compile my own music and remix Dana's music for fun and the enjoym,ent of how she does her music
Love Danielle ((^_^))
Thank you Tamar ../images/Emo13.gif

Shalom Tamar Thank you very much
I missed you!!
The last time you said you still had to send me the letter
((hugs)) i wish i could read what was going on here,lol))


New member
mmm what?....../images/Emo12.gif

Didn't understand your question....
And... By the way... In your profile it's written that you're 12 years old...
But actually you're 10 years older...


New member

Ha Elfy ha afel shel Zana... God...
it sounds funny..
But that's the way you can say it in hebrew... I hope that it's what you meant...