סוף סוף אני מקווה שיש תשובות
אוקיי זה לכולם ובעיקר ללויתן ורוד: שאל על האורקה נכון? טוב תשמעי שנסעתי לאילת אז קניתי ספר על דולפינים ויש בו קצת על האורקה אבל זה באנגלית ואני לא ממש טובה באנגלית אז תוכלו לפרש בעצמכם: killer whale/orca the largest,most spectacular and powerful of all dolphins, the name alone,killer whale,is enough to inspire fear. true,orca is a ruthless hunter,it has a healthy set of sharp teeth and with its weight of up to 7.5 tons and a hearty appetite,it needs to eat a lot but the orca is also a playful animal that loves to be caressed by other members of its group. they live in all seas and seem to feel equally well in-between icebergs as they do in tropical seas. the food sources vary a lot with the different locations and the orca is fast to learn new ways of hunting. even the largest animal on earth,the blue whale,is no safer than a herring of norway,sea lions in patagonia,or salom in alaska. the killer whale is so large,up to 10 metres long powerful and clever that it has no natural enemy in the sea their only real threat is man populations around the world seem large and steady therefore they are probably not threateaned dolphinariums around the world often use the "killer" as a main attraction the size the colours the teeth the name-all is almost custom-made to make the orca a star of a dolphin show.sadly most people fail to see that this showpiece cannot possibly get its most basic needs fulfilled withung the limited space of a dolphinarium no matter how hard we try to do so asto the name killer whale there are no records all of an orca killer whale thre are no records at all of an orca killing a man inits natural environment the sea